Update 11/03/2021 – Great week and government guidelines

Good afternoon Everyone, 

It has been an amazing atmosphere in school this week and it has been great to see everyone back in the classrooms. Children are very resilient and they have settled back in brilliantly. Thank you to all for your continued support, it really is appreciated. 

Plan for this half term

This half term, we need get all the children settled back into our daily routines, assess where the children are in terms of mental well-being and learning. If there is anything you think I or the class teachers need to know about experiences during lockdown that may be important, please let us know. All classes are doing a two week unit about a story that has been specifically designed to build stamina for concentration and working  and recap learning behaviours.

Keeping safe

As I have written above, it is great to get everyone back in school. However, we still need to take all precautions and follow government guidelines as we do not want any Coronavirus cases in our school or community. Please remember that families and children should not be be mixing outside of school. The one family bubble system is still in force. If children are visiting other peoples houses, this increases the risk of cases in school and class or even whole school closure. These are difficult times, lets keep everyone as safe as possible. 

Pupil Reports

The pupils reports normally sent in January will go out on Friday 19th March. This will include the December assessment data.  We will be continually assess the children and the main report will go out in July 2021. As always, please make contact with the teacher if you have any concerns.  Please don’t worry, we are working really hard to close any gaps in learning and the children will all be fine. 

Take care of yourselves

Mr Woodward