Opportunity for Brass Lessons

The opportunity to learn a brass instrument is once again available in school with Mr. Lodge. Please see the information below and Mr Lodge’s video  this video https://youtu.be/ngqEbuorSG0.

Brass lessons at St. James’

Update – 21/09/2020


I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend.

I am sure everyone is aware of the increase in local cases of Covid 19 and the government are preparing for more cases over the Autumn term. We will continue to put every measure in place to keep our children, staff and parents safe. Below are some additional measures and advice that will help keep everyone safe and our school open.

Face Shields

From tomorrow (Tuesday 22/09/2020) all staff will wear clear face shields in the playground at the start and end of the day. This is a measure to further reduce the spreading of the virus.

Self Isolating

The DFE and government have asked we remind all parents about the rules for self isolating. If a pupil or family member is showing symptoms, the whole family must isolate in their house until the person with the symptoms have a test and it is either negative or the 10 or 14 days isolation has been completed. The government have increased the level of the fine should people break these rules.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or school and we will offer advice.

Thank you all again for making the start to the year hugely positive and I am extremely proud of all of our pupils.

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

Update 18/09/2020


I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.

We are two weeks in now and the atmosphere in school is great and it has been wonderful to see all the WOW days and activities the children have been doing. The staff and all parents have worked tirelessly to ensure school is as close to what it was as possible. Thank you all for making the first two weeks back incredibly positive. 

Virus Control

As I am sure you are aware, there are an increasing amount of confirmed case of Covid 19 in this area and some full or partial school closures. We are doing everything possible to keep all of our school community safe and really appreciate your support in this.

  • If your child has a cough, temperature over 37.9 or loss of taste or smell, please keep them off school. They will need to be tested and if the test is negative, they can return to school once we have seen the negative test result. If the test is positive, you must contact school straight away and we will give you further advice.
  • If a pupil develops symptoms during the school day, we will isolate them and contact you to pick them up. We are fully aware that the symptoms are the same as many common autumn illnesses such as a cold. However, we must follow DFE guidance and will take no chances in keeping our school community safe and try to prevent further closures.
  • Adults dropping off and picking up need to wear a face covering in the playground and follow the one way system.

Change to pick up times

I am aware that exiting through the Sunlaw Street exit is causing a back log at the end of the day.

From Monday 21st September 2020, please collect your children at the following times. Once you have collected your child, please exit as quickly as possible through the Sunlaw Street exit. If you have children in multiple key stages, please socially distance from other people.

  • 3:20pm – Snowdrop and Bluebell class in the new nursery and reception building.
  • 3:25pm – KS1 in the building on the left as you come through the main gate.
  • 3:30pm KS2 in the main building on the right as you come through the main gate.

Thank you again for you continued support. Have a lovely weekend and take care of yourselves.

Mr Woodward

String instrument / WOPPS lessons for Miss Weir’s class last year

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Job Opportunity for Midday Supervisors

We are looking for people to become supply midday supervisors.

We are a large primary school and we have a very supportive and nurturing team.  Please see the person specification and job description attached and please contact Mr Woodward on cwoodward@st- ames.derbyshire.sch.uk or 01457 852427 for further information.

Midday Person Specification

Midday Supervisor Job Description


Glossopdale open evening letter.

It is that time of year for year 5 and 6 parents – High School hunting!

Please see the open evening letter for Glossopdale. 

Glossopdale Open Evening to Yr 5 6 Parents Sept 2020

NHS parent guide for Covid 19.

This is a really useful guide for what to do with the current Covid 19 guidelines.

Thank you and update 05/09/2020

Dear our Whole School Community, 

I can’t thank you all enough for making our first day back yesterday truly fantastic and above all, as safe as possible. It was wonderful to see you all and to see the huge smiles on all the children’s faces.  All staff have worked really hard over the summer to make the environment and routines as safe as possible and to shield your children from this as much as we can. Thank you all for wearing face coverings in school and using the one way system, lots of parents and staff commented on how this made them feel safer and more confident. 

Despite our best efforts and inevitably, there were a few teething issues and there will be one change for next week. However, I am sure there will be more. 

  • Miss Graham’s and Miss Weir’s class will now have lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. This will help us serve all the children their lunch with the new routines. 

Yesterday was a very positive start and we all really appreciate your support in making these systems work to keep everyone safe. Thank you and I know you will all join me in thanking all the staff in school for their commitment to keeping safe and making our school a little bit better every day. 

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.

Craig Woodward

01/09/2020 Parent Update



I hope you are all well and have had a good bank holiday Monday.

Please find attached the guidance for starting back in September. I am very sorry for the short notice, the guidance will inevitably change but it includes all the guidance issued on the 28/08/2020.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school on Friday. 

Mr Woodward

Parent update 01 09 2020

Playground 2020 Class Bubble Areas

Evacuee Ideas

On Friday 11th September, Wildflowers (Mr Ford’s Y6 ) class will be taking part in their WOW day and are invited to dress up as Evacuees!

During the day they will take part in a range of different activities to introduce them to their new topic ‘World War 2 – A child’s war’.

See below for some ideas (click on the picture to see more examples!) –