Update 21/09/2020


I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend. 

I am sure everyone is aware of the increase in local cases of Covid 19 and the government are preparing for more cases over the Autumn term. We will continue to put every measure in place to keep our children, staff and parents safe. Below are some additional measures and advice that will help keep everyone safe and our school open. 

Face Shields

From tomorrow (Tuesday 22/09/2020) all staff will wear clear face shields in the playground at the start and end of the day. This is a measure to further reduce the spreading of the virus. 

Self Isolating 

The DFE and government have asked we remind all parents about the rules for self isolating. If a pupil or family member is showing symptoms, the whole family must isolate in their house until the person with the symptoms have a test and it is either negative or the 10 or 14 days isolation has been completed. The government have increased the level of the fine should people break these rules.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or school and we will offer advice. 

Thank you all again for making the start to the year hugely positive and I am extremely proud of all of our pupils. 

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward