I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.
We are two weeks in now and the atmosphere in school is great and it has been wonderful to see all the WOW days and activities the children have been doing. The staff and all parents have worked tirelessly to ensure school is as close to what it was as possible. Thank you all for making the first two weeks back incredibly positive.
Virus Control
As I am sure you are aware, there are an increasing amount of confirmed case of Covid 19 in this area and some full or partial school closures. We are doing everything possible to keep all of our school community safe and really appreciate your support in this.
- If your child has a cough, temperature over 37.9 or loss of taste or smell, please keep them off school. They will need to be tested and if the test is negative, they can return to school once we have seen the negative test result. If the test is positive, you must contact school straight away and we will give you further advice.
- If a pupil develops symptoms during the school day, we will isolate them and contact you to pick them up. We are fully aware that the symptoms are the same as many common autumn illnesses such as a cold. However, we must follow DFE guidance and will take no chances in keeping our school community safe and try to prevent further closures.
- Adults dropping off and picking up need to wear a face covering in the playground and follow the one way system.
Change to pick up times
I am aware that exiting through the Sunlaw Street exit is causing a back log at the end of the day.
From Monday 21st September 2020, please collect your children at the following times. Once you have collected your child, please exit as quickly as possible through the Sunlaw Street exit. If you have children in multiple key stages, please socially distance from other people.
- 3:20pm – Snowdrop and Bluebell class in the new nursery and reception building.
- 3:25pm – KS1 in the building on the left as you come through the main gate.
- 3:30pm KS2 in the main building on the right as you come through the main gate.
Thank you again for you continued support. Have a lovely weekend and take care of yourselves.
Mr Woodward