Week beginning 22.06.2020

Dear Wildflowers, 

Another week has passed and lock down is slowly starting to ease. I hope this means that you have started being a little more adventurous but still keeping yourself extremely safe! We’ve been to a couple more shops recently (still only going for essentials and using lots of hand sanitiser!) but it has been nice to get some shopping instead of it being delivered.

The sun has tried to come out this week but we have definitely seen more rain! I suppose it is good for all the flower, trees and plants though. Fingers crossed for sunshine this week!

This week we are asking you to look at birds, ponds and gardens! Our favourite activity is Friday’s. We wonder what you will design and create! 

As always, we would love you to email us, telling us how you are or showing us your work! A MASSIVE thank you to all of you who sent in a recent photo! It was so lovely to see how much you have all grown (and all of the lock down haircuts/hair styles too!).

Keep looking after yourselves, remember you are all brilliant and we miss you, 

Mrs Cox and Mr Ford.