Category: Uncategorised

School Closure 12/07/2021 due to several confirmed Coronavirus cases

Good evening,  I am very sorry for the late message and just before the match.  During the last few hours, we have had several confirmed cases of Coronavirus  across all key stages. This constitutes an outbreak, this has been confirmed by Public Health England and school will be closed tomorrow (12/07/2021). We need to seek …

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Football final and Monday morning

Good evening,  I know many people are already getting excited about the Football final on Sunday. This is a historic moment, which hasn’t happened in 55 years. Love football or not, it is an event that is getting the nation excited and that is welcomed after the last 18  months.  School will open as normal …

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09/07/2021 Bubble Closures

Good afternoon,  This message is for the Nursery, Mrs Allan’s and Mrs Mackey and Mrs Cox’s classes.  I have spoken with the DFE helpline and track and trace. The three members of staff have tested positive for Coronavirus using LFT (Lateral Flow Tests), this counts as a positive test result and the children and staff …

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Bubble closures and Letter from Derbyshire Public Health

Good morning,  I hope you are all well. I apologise to the families who got early morning text messages about class closures. We have three members of staff who have tested positive this morning. They are all feeling ok and the classes which are closed are Nursery; Mrs Allan’s class and Mrs Mackey and Mrs …

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Update 07/07/2021 – new classes and uniform

Good evening,  I hope you are all.  Classes for September 2021 We were hoping to have a transition day next week, when the pupils would meet their class teacher. However, this isn’t going to be possible due to the number of people needing to isolate and we don’t want to increase the risk of multiple …

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Litter Pick in Whitfield on Saturday 10th July!

Year 6 update and leavers disco

It is that time of year again, when our year 6 pupils get ready for their next step and their time at Primary School comes to an end.  We need to mark this special next step. Please see the activities below.  Leavers’ assembly at 2pm on Wednesday 21st July. This will be done on zoom, …

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Y6 bake sale for the charity Compassion on 02/07/2021

A big thank you to Iona , Lucie and Chloe for organising and running the bake sale. They wanted to do this bake sale to raise money and awareness for the charity Compassion, which is part of  our Courageous Advocacy. They raised an amazing £50 for this great cause and this money will help many …

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Uniform requirements for September 2021

It is that time of year again when we are all thinking about uniform for September.  Please find a list below of the uniform requirements and change to PE uniform below.  We are going to continue with the pupils coming in PE kit on PE days as this saves a lot of learning time but …

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Choir Sing ‘(We are) Unstoppable’ for Sing Up Day 2021

Today (30/06/2021)  is ‘Sing Up Day 2021’, please watch the video of our choir singing ‘(We are) unstoppable’ and please click the link for more information about ‘Sing Up’.  A massive thank you to the choir and Mrs Collins for making this happen.  Choir on Sing Up Day 2021 Sing Up Website