Good evening,
I am very sorry for the late message and just before the match.
During the last few hours, we have had several confirmed cases of Coronavirus across all key stages. This constitutes an outbreak, this has been confirmed by Public Health England and school will be closed tomorrow (12/07/2021). We need to seek further advice on time scales and deep cleaning will need to take place.
Teachers will use google classrooms to set work, communicate with pupils and post daily videos.
Children and staff from the following classes need to isolate until 19/07/2021;
- Nursery
- Mrs Allan’s class
- Mrs Mackey and Mrs Cox’s class
- Mr Doyle’s class
- Miss Warburton’s class
At this point, children from the other classes don’t need to isolate but will not be in school.
We will get information out about when school will reopen and which bubbles can return as soon as possible. As always, please wait to hear any news from school and direct any queries to school.
We are all very sorry that school has to close but we need to follow government advice and keep our school community safe.
Have a good evening and enjoy the match.
Mr Woodward