Update 07/07/2021 – new classes and uniform

Good evening, 

I hope you are all. 

Classes for September 2021

We were hoping to have a transition day next week, when the pupils would meet their class teacher. However, this isn’t going to be possible due to the number of people needing to isolate and we don’t want to increase the risk of multiple bubbles needing to isolate in the last week. 

All parents will receive a text message at 4pm on Friday 9th July with the new class teachers name. There will be a letter from their new class teacher and introduction video which will be shared with the pupils before the end of term.

All the staff are really looking forward to next year and we very much hope we won’t have the level of disruption we have had this year. Despite the changes, the children, staff and families have been hugely resilient and everyone has made great progress in all areas. I am really proud of our whole school community and it has been fantastic to see how everyone has supported each other. 

Uniform update

Please find an updated uniform list below. I apologise, we missed cardigans off the list. The changes are written in blue. 


  • Blue or green (EYFS) jumper or cardigan (Jumpers with a badge are available from Bulldog Fashion or plain green or blue jumpers are fine too.)
  • White shirt or polo-shirt
  • Black or grey trousers or skirt
  • Blue or green (EYFS) summer dress
  • Black shoes

PE Kit

  • Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
  • Plain black or grey shorts
  • Plain black or grey jogging bottoms
  • School jumper (This doesn’t need to be a separate PE jumper  but could be if you wish)
  • Trainers
  • Leggings can be worn for PE

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

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