Good afternoon,
This message is for the Nursery, Mrs Allan’s and Mrs Mackey and Mrs Cox’s classes.
I have spoken with the DFE helpline and track and trace. The three members of staff have tested positive for Coronavirus using LFT (Lateral Flow Tests), this counts as a positive test result and the children and staff in those classes must isolate until Saturday 17th July. The pupils will be back in school on Monday 19th July.
All members of staff have had PCR tests, which are more accurate than LFT. If these tests are negative, then the class or classes will reopen. The results will be sent to the staff in the next 72 hours. I have been advised that it is unlikely that they will be negative after a positive LFT test and there is a delay in analysing tests due to the high volume of tests being processed.
Financial Support
Some families may be eligible for the test and trace support payment of £500. Please see the link below.
Test and Trace Support Payment Link
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Woodward