Pure Vibes FREE Mixed ball sports sessions (9-16 years old)

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Relief Midday Supervisors

We are looking for people to become relief midday supervisors to provide cover as required. 

We are a large primary school and we have a very supportive and nurturing team.  Please see the person specifications and job descriptions attached and please contact Tracey Bayliss on office@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk or 01457 852427 for further information. 

Mr Woodward

Nursery and Bluebell Reception classes Monday 24/01/2022

Good evening, 

I hope you are all well and have had a great weekend. 

Nursery and Bluebell Reception class will be open tomorrow. Please be aware that many pupils and staff are still testing positive and will not be in school tomorrow. We have done everything possible to keep the consistency in the classes. However, the number of cases will mean we have reduced staff numbers and different teachers and teaching assistants in some areas. 

Most pupils and staff are still testing positive on days 5- 7. Please don’t cause any distress to your child but please test them before bringing them tomorrow if possible. 

The pupils and staff are ok and are starting to feel better. 

Thank you all for your continued understanding and patience and I will keep you all informed. 

Have a lovely evening. 


Nursery and Bluebell reception class update

Good evening, 

I hope everyone is well and ready for the weekend. 

The pupils and staff who have tested positive are all feeling better and recovering well. 

We very much hope that we will be able to open Nursery and Bluebell reception class on Monday and we are doing everything possible to ensure this happens. A lot depends on whether staff are well enough to work on Monday and if they test negative on two LFD tests, 24 hours apart and for most, the last day will be Sunday or Monday. 

We are looking at all contingencies but you need to be aware that there are very few supply teachers and teaching assistants available. 

I will keep you all informed and the aim is to open both areas again but we need to make sure we have the staff to do this safely. We wish all pupils and staff a speedy recovery and I will let you know as soon as I know what will be happening. 

Thank you all for your patience and understanding and have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

Job Vacancy – Catering Assistant

Good afternoon, 

Derbyshire catering service are advertising for a catering assistant. Please see the link below. 

Job Advert

The role is working in school but the successful candidate will be employed by Derbyshire Catering Service and not school. 

Mr Woodward


Positive cases in school


Please be advised that there are confirmed positive cases in the following classes. All are feeling ok and either have no symptoms or mild symptoms. 

  • 1 case in Mrs Heys and Mrs Madigan’s class. 
  • 1 case in Miss Graham’s class.
  • 1 case in Mrs Mackey’s and Mr Ford’s class.
  • 2 cases in Miss Kuczaj’s class.
  • 1 case in Miss Warburton’s class.

No action is needed and this is for your information only. Please continue to follow government guidance. If you child is unwell or shows any of the symptoms (see NHS website) please test them with an LFD test. Please be advised that from 10th January 2022, it is no longer necessary to confirm a positive LFD test with a PCR test. A positive LFD test classes as a positive case of Covid 19 and the test needs logging with the government and the pack instructions explains this process. I fully understand that it isn’t pleasant to test young children and please don’t cause them distress. If your child is unwell and can’t test, please keep them off to avoid spreading to other people and risking class closures due to staff absence. 

Positive case DFE Warn and Inform Letter

Thank you all for your continued understanding and support.

Mr Woodward

OTIS after school sports club

Young Voice update

Dear Pupils, Parents and Carers, 

The concert ‘Young Voices’ will be rescheduled to a new date in April or May. They will let us know the new date in the next couple of weeks.

If the parents have bought tickets –

All tickets will be transferred to your new concert date. Once this process has been completed for all schools, we will then sort out any additional orders, changes or refunds for your parents (via the school).

NB: Young Voices is 100% committed to refunding tickets to any parents who cannot attend the rescheduled concert date but due to the nature of our event, we have to do this through our schools (and not directly with parents, unless they bought directly from the arena). We cannot issue any refunds until we have sorted all the schools on all the new dates, which may take some time.

Choir sessions start on the 20th January.

Kind regards

Mrs Collins

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