Please come and support our summer concert and see our budding musicians performing alongside professionals. All money goes straight back into providing all year 3 and 4 pupils with the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with professional musicians. Spring Concert
Tesco Book donations in June and July 2019
A huge thank you to Tesco and everyone who donated books in June and July. You have raised a fantastic £220 for books for our school library.
Willow Wood Hospice Bake Sale
We are very proud of the girls who used their initiative to organise a bake sale and gave the proceeds to Willow Wood Hospice. They raised a fantastic £230.37.
12/04/19 A big thank you to Tesco Express in Hadfield, who donated the prizes. Congratulations to the winners of the egg decorating competition. There was a huge amount of effort put in by everyone who entered. EYFS – Dillon, Minnie and Erin. KS1 – Ella, Mason and Lewis. LKS2 – Archie, Nieve and the creator …