Category: Uncategorised

Ofsted Update Meeting 11/03/2020

Thank you all for attending the meeting on Wednesday 11/03/2020, your commitment to our school is very much appreciated.  Ofsted update 11/03/2020

Headteacher letter about the Coronavirus

14/03/2020 Dear parents, carers and pupils,  The Derbyshire local authority are asking each school to follow the DFE advice regarding the coronvirus. There is a link to the DFE website and other information on the front page of our website and in the coronavirus tab on the top right of the front page. The DFE …

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Profession Athlete Kevin Metzger is coming to school!

Your child will be bringing home a sponsorship form to try and raise some money for school (60%) and for the professional athlete Kevin Metzger (40%)  to fund their training and other costs etc. For more information on our athlete please go to  If your child raises between: £5-£14.99 they will receive a signed …

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Clothing Giveaway

Clothing Giveaway

We are grateful for all the clothing donations we have received recently, and welcome any more clean, wearable clothes. Any dirty, stained clothes that you deem unwearable, please put these straight into our clothes recycling bank next to the main gates as we still receive funds for the school from this. Please be aware that …

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Gold Treat February 2020

A very well done to everyone who got the gold treat this half term. Getting five  golds or more is a huge achievement and I am very proud of all of you.  This time, we had a very special guest, Shaun Hennessy, a professional actor who did a fantastic workshop. The pupils really enjoyed it …

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Please notify school immediately if anyone who has had contact with anyone in school  who has had a confirmed case of Coronavirus.  Please see the link below for advice the coronavirus from the website. This website  will be updated daily at 2pm until further notice.  Government advice regarding the coronavirusHeadteach Headteacher Letter Coronavirus 14 …

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Kinetic Theatre – Light Fantastic – 27/01/2020

The pupils and staff had a fantastic time at the light fantastic show this morning. The pupils learnt a lot about light and space.   

Mrs Gallagher non-uniform day

Mrs Gallagher was a teacher at the school for 40 years and touched the lives of hundreds of pupils and parents. She sadly lost her battle with cancer on the 4th February 2019.  To celebrate her contribution to our school and community, we are having a non-uniform day with Spring colours and odd shoes. Mrs …

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Termly Assessment Reports

Target Tracker is the system that we use to track the progress & attainment children in Years 1-6. Teachers use this continuously and report results to the Headteacher & Governors 3 times a year.   The school will now report to parents three times a year (once after Christmas, once after Easter and then in …

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