Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Opportunity for Brass Lessons

The opportunity to learn a brass instrument is once again available in school with Mr. Lodge. Please see the information below and Mr Lodge’s video  this video Brass lessons at St. James’

Update 18/09/2020

Hello,  I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine. We are two weeks in now and the atmosphere in school is great and it has been wonderful to see all the WOW days and activities the children have been doing. The staff and all parents have worked tirelessly to ensure school is as …

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String instrument / WOPPS lessons for Miss Weir’s class last year

Job Opportunity for Midday Supervisors

We are looking for people to become supply midday supervisors. We are a large primary school and we have a very supportive and nurturing team.  Please see the person specification and job description attached and please contact Mr Woodward on cwoodward@st- or 01457 852427 for further information. Midday Person Specification Midday Supervisor Job Description …

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Glossopdale open evening letter.

It is that time of year for year 5 and 6 parents – High School hunting! Please see the open evening letter for Glossopdale.  Glossopdale Open Evening to Yr 5 6 Parents Sept 2020

NHS parent guide for Covid 19.

This is a really useful guide for what to do with the current Covid 19 guidelines.

Thank you and update 05/09/2020

Dear our Whole School Community,  I can’t thank you all enough for making our first day back yesterday truly fantastic and above all, as safe as possible. It was wonderful to see you all and to see the huge smiles on all the children’s faces.  All staff have worked really hard over the summer to …

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01/09/2020 Parent Update

  Hello,  I hope you are all well and have had a good bank holiday Monday. Please find attached the guidance for starting back in September. I am very sorry for the short notice, the guidance will inevitably change but it includes all the guidance issued on the 28/08/2020. We are looking forward to seeing …

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Update 20/08/2020

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you are all well and having a great summer. This is just a quick update about the KS2 building (the largest building with the office in). While the heating engineers were replacing the heating system in the KS2 classrooms, they found what has tested to be asbestos in the walls. This is normal in older buildings. The local authority has assured me …

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PARENTS ZOOM MEETING – TUESDAY 21ST JULY 1PM We would like to invite parents of year 6 pupils to join us for a meeting to inform you of the arrangements for your child starting in September. The log in details will be placed on Seesaw later this week. Any problems with connecting on Zoom please …

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