Glossop Music Festival

Glossop Music Festival

KS2 SATs preparation

Next week, the year 6 pupils will be sitting their SAT’s and they have worked incredibly hard. We are all very proud of their commitment and approach to learning. 

Please see the booklet attached for the timetable and advice for preparation. 

Y6 SATS info booklet (1)

KS1 Cricket Stars May 2019

Well done to all of the ‘Meadow’ pupils (KS1) who impressed the cricket coaches with their skills and enthusiasm. 

Girl’s Football clubs in Glossop, Chapel and Buxton

Egg Decorating Champions 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the egg decorating competition. There was a huge amount of effort put in by everyone who entered. 

EYFS – Dillon, Minnie and Erin.

KS1 – Ella, Mason and Lewis.

LKS2 – Archie, Nieve and the creator of ET. 

UKS2 – Kitty, Emily and Layla.

A big thank you to Tesco Express in Hadfield, who donated the prizes.

Easter egg decorating competition April 2019

WOW! This is as good a place to start as any. 

The entries were fantastic and it is clear that a huge amount of effort has gone into all of the eggs. It was a really difficult job for us to judge. 

Thank you to everyone who took part.

Bark chippings for Forest Schools

We are creating a forest schools area next to the new EYFS building and thank you to all the parents and pupils who helped move all the bark and create the enclosed area. 

Thank you to Arundel Landscapes who delivered the wood. 

Swimming Gala April 2019

Thank you to our swimming team who were great ambassadors of school and came second in the competition. 

Aiden, Jacob, Chloe, Abigail, Amber, Ben, Scarlett and Charley. 

Parent Chef Competition

Please read the link below about the Parent Chef competition. 

Parent Chef competition

Easter Egg Competition

After last years fantastic egg decorating, we will be having an egg decorating competition this year. It is open to all pupils and there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for EYFS, KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2. The winners will be judged by Mr Woodward and governors. 

Please bring all entries in on Thursday 11th April. Prizes will be given out on Friday 12th April and all entries must be taken home on the Friday as the Easter holiday are two weeks.