PTA Film night 22/10/19

Thank you to the PTA for organising this event, it has been really successful and the children have had a great time. 

All money raised will go towards books for our library. All books no longer needed will go to the library project in Zambia.  


Longdendale Autumn Fair 27/10/19

H3 Super Kids Programme

See the H3 Superkids page on our well being page in the parent information section.

Car Boot Sale 12/10/19

A huge thank to everyone who supported the school council’s car boot sale, it was a lovely morning and great atmosphere. A special thank to Mrs Fletcher and the school council for organising the event. They raised £81.60 which they will spend to make our school even better from suggestions from the pupils and council members. 

Thank you again and have a great weekend. 


Stick Day Monday 14th October





Bring a stick to school website

This year we’re embracing the ‘bring a stick to school’ day as part of an initiative created by The Muddy Puddle Teacher. On Monday 14th October, we ask that all children bring a stick into school. The stick needs to be no longer than the length of your child’s arm. We advise that you check the stick for any unknown animal mess beforehand but there’s no need to clean it or dress it up! All that’s needed is a nice, freshly muddied stick. 


Why are we doing this?


It’s fun and it’s a great way to get children to be more active. All while they have fun in the great outdoors! There are lots of educational benefits too. We’ve all said it in the past. The child plays more with the cardboard box than the present inside it! And that’s what this day is all about. Allowing children to imagine, create and problem solve with simple tools.


Today’s child has so much more entertainment available than previous generations and sometimes we need to be mindful of that. We want this day to be about the simple pleasures of life. This day is designed to encourage your children have lots of chats about plastics and learn about how harmful they can be. Children will get the chance to learn about natural and manmade materials, where sticks come from, the names of trees and what mud actually is!


So what will the day look like?


It completely depends! Each class will be working on different areas of the curriculum so we’ll be taking a blank canvas approach. Some classes might choose to use their sticks to enhance their topics. Other lessons might be more child-led with children creating whatever they want out of their sticks. Children get very creative with their inventions! It’s likely that some may create wands, horses, superhero power charges, stick men or even survival tools.


But why is this day so important for children?

Children will get the opportunity to touch and interact with mud! We already know that mud contains good bacteria. This keeps our children healthy and reduces their allergies while they connect with nature. Some of the activities will take place outside and some classes may spend the whole day outside! Others may choose to be more selective and have a few sessions outside, depending on the weather. Either way, the children will be outside at some point of the day!


How will we keep safe?


At the start of the day, we’ll use our Muddy safe stick song to remind children of safety: “sticks go low they tickle our toe, if they go high, they poke us in the eye”. We’ll then watch and listen to them throughout the day to make sure they stay safe. All of our activities comply with our policies on safety, so rest assured we’ve covered all the necessary bases!


What do you need to do?


First go for a walk with your child and find a stick. When you find a suitable stick, remind your child of the ‘feet first, then hands’ method. This method is a great way to teach children about safety. Especially if they’re trying to retrieve broken glass or animal mess. If your children are younger, we recommend you supervise these activities.


Once your child has found a stick, get them to bring it into school. Ask your child to keep the stick low. Try using our lovely little rhyme: “sticks stay low they tickle our toe, if they go high, they poke us in the eye”. We’ll be using this rhyme on the day, so it’s good for them to practice this beforehand.


We also suggest that your child brings in wellies, waterproof clothing and extra layers just in case it’s particularly cold on the day.


Thank you for your much needed support! We can’t wait to see what our Muddy inventors get up to!

Glossop Jog October 2019

Mr Doyle, Mrs Hennessy, Luca, Mr Woodward, William, Lewis, Chloe, Nathan, Mr Morgan, Chloe, Mr Walshaw, Mrs Allen and Mr Ford and Mrs Morgan hiding behind the camera.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog organised by Rotary. Our pupils, staff and parents ran really well , kept smiling and raised a lot of money for Kidscan, which is a charity for supporting young people and their families with cancer. 



World Mental Health Day 10/10/19

On Thursday 10/10/19, please can children wear non-uniform and if possible something yellow. This could be anything from socks, t-shirts to hair bands. We are not collecting money and do not want donations. 

As a school we are passionate about supporting everyone’s mental health and Mrs Fletcher, Mr Ford and Scot (UK Sports) have delivered training on supporting children’s mental health and peer massage. The PTA have very kindly donated equipment to support activities in the classroom. 

In support of Young Minds campaign (#hello yellow), we are asking children to wear non-uniform and something yellow. There is no donation, we simply want to raise awareness and promote mental health day. 

We will do doing activities with the children to promote the important of good mental health and enjoying mindfulness activities. 

Art Club

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Art Club Poster”]

Flu Immunisation

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Letter for Parents and Guardians Flu Immunisation (1)”]

Car Boot Sale 12th October

We are having a car boot sale in school on Saturday 12th October from 10am – 12pm in school.

It will be £5 per car (or table if it needs to be inside). Please let the office know by Monday the 7th October if you would like a space. If it rains, we will set up in the KS2 building. Stall are welcome to set up from 9:30am. 

All proceeds will go towards the school council for playground equipment and for clothes for the homeless. 

There will be a BBQ with sausage (meat and vegetarian) and bacon sandwiches. 

All are welcome and we look forward to seeing  you there.