Spring Rolls – Gold treat for Mrs Mackey’s and Mr Doyle’s class.

Congratulations to the pupils who got 5 or more golds, we are all very proud of you. 

Thank you to Mrs Vikas who came in and made prawn crackers and spring rolls.

Don’t panic, we will get to the other classes after Christmas. 

Choir Singing at the Rising Dec 2019

A big thank you to our choir for singing at the Risings nursing home and  Mrs Collins and Mr Jones who made it happen. 

Choir singing at Norfolk Square 18/12/19

Thank you to our fantastic choir for being outstanding ambassadors of our school and Mrs Collins for putting so much time and effort into our choir. 

Clothing and Books Giveaway 18/12/19

Thank you to the PTA and parents for supporting this fantastic event. Many books and clothes went to good homes. 

Singing at Tesco!

Our choir, led by Mrs Collins, went to sing at Tesco this morning. They sang beautifully and had the whole of Glossop clapping and cheering them on. 

They also raised lots of money … watch this space for the grand total!


Whitfield Christmas Lantern Parade Saturday 14th December

Come along to Whitfield Lantern Parade!

Date: Saturday 14th December

4-5pm lanterns on sale at St Mary’s school

5pm parade to Pure Vibes, Ebenezer street via Wood St & Freetown

6pm Carols around the tree with Old Glossop Band

Stalls of sweets, cakes and gifts, refreshments and a special visitor!

Finishes at 8pm


Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19

We all had a fantastic time at Chester Zoo and all will have memories to treasure. 

PTA Update

A big thank you to all who supported our 50/50 raffle.  We paid out £245 in 4 prizes.
Another thank you for all the donations of bottles and jars for the upcoming Festive Fair. 
Our next donation day is next Friday the 29th of November and we are asking for the following donations:
Nursery, reception, Y1 & Y2 new items for the children’s tombola.(This is anything suitable for a child – soft toys, colouring books, games etc).
Y3,4,5 & 6 new items for the Christmas tombola. (This is anything associated with Christmas, cards, decorations, wrapping paper, chocolates, candles, gift sets etc).
Without your generosity these events would not happen so thank you for your continued support.

Harvest Food Bank Donations

Thank you to everyone who donated for the harvest food  bank collection. It has made a huge difference in our local area. We have a food collection box in our entrance hall all year. Please donate if you can. 

Glossopdale Foodbank Certificate of Appreciation Whitfield St James’ Primary School

Children in Need and TTRockstars

This year we are celebrating Children in Need and Times Table Rockstars day on the same day, which is Friday 15th November. 

Children in need is a very worthy cause and we are requesting a £1 donation, which will all go to children in Need. We are asking that everyone dresses as a rockstar. 

There will be activities around Children in Need and Times Tables Rockstars happening throughout the day.