Update 20/08/2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all well and having a great summer.

This is just a quick update about the KS2 building (the largest building with the office in). While the heating engineers were replacing the heating system in the KS2 classrooms, they found what has tested to be asbestos in the walls. This is normal in older buildings. The local authority has assured me that there has been no risk to pupils or staff as it was undisturbed and behind the walls. They are going to remove it, professionally clean the rooms and conduct air tests before we can go back in the building. We are stilling planning to open as planned on Friday 4th September.

More detailed information about the school day and all new procedures will be shared with you in the coming weeks.

I am sorry to disturb your summer, enjoy the rest of your break and take care.

Mr Woodward



We would like to invite parents of year 6 pupils to join us
for a meeting to inform you of the arrangements for your
child starting in September.

The log in details will be placed on Seesaw later this

Any problems with connecting on Zoom please email


Thank you all and have a great summer break

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians, 

This may be  an understatement but I feel it  fair to say, that this has been an unusual end to the school year. We have said goodbye to our year 6 pupils and will welcome them right back again as soon as possible to say goodbye properly. Mrs Seville has left and we wish her all the very best for the future. Mrs Thornley is back from maternity leave and Mrs Heys will be starting hers soon.

Each person and family unit has had their own challenges in this difficult time but what has been very clear is that every single person has shown true strength and supported each other.  Whether in school or at home, we have worked together and however history judges this time period, we will know it as the time we stood by each other.  


School reports and other information will be posted on Monday. Attendance will not be on the reports this year as per the DFE guidelines. We assessed the children in December and parents had report cards in January and this was the last assessment period. we will assess all pupils in September and provide rigorous support and teaching to close any gaps.  Please don’t worry about anything, we will support all children with their learning and mental well-being. 

We are all really looking forward to September and welcoming all of our pupils and families back. Things will look a little different and more information will follow in August and here are some of the main points. 

  • All pupils are to enter through the main gate on Chadwick Street. Pupils can come in on their own and teachers will be at the front of their lines from 8:45am. If parents bring their child into the school grounds, they must leave through the side gate onto Sunlaw Street. This will be the same for picking up. This will add time to picking up and dropping off and we ask that everyone follows these rules for the safety of all. 
  • Pupils will take their coats and bags to their place in the classroom. 
  • All pupils will have a pencil case with their name on and all the stationary they need, so no equipment from home is to be brought in. 
  • At lunchtime all pupils will have one midday supervisor per class bubble and KS1 and EYFS will have their lunch in the hall in their class bubble. KS2 children will eat in their classrooms. 
  • There will be no before and after school club on Friday 4th September but will start again from Monday 7th September. 

Much more information will follow and it may feel odd at first but we will make it work and next year will be fantastic. 

Have a fantastic summer break, look after yourselves and we will see you all in September.

Mr Woodward

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Thank you all for joining us on Zoom, it was great to see you all. 

I am sorry for the technical glitches, we could hear the music fine. Please find the videos below. 

Thank you all again, you are all very special young people and have bright futures ahead. 

Good luck at High School and remember where we are. 

Ellie – Somewhere over the rainbow.

Tom – James Bond Theme

Travel Arrangements for September 2020

Good afternoon, 

The DFE and Derbyshire Local Authority are gathering information about travel arrangements for September 2020.  They have requested that all parents fill out the questionnaire at the link below.

The deadline is 31/07/2020.

Travel Survey

Thank you in advance for taking part. 

Protected: Year 6 Leavers assembly Zoom information.

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