Wear Yellow day to support the Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Good afternoon, 

We are going to have a non-uniform day on Friday 18th June to support people affected by cystic fibrosis (CF). The event is wear yellow day, if people want to wear something yellow that would be great. It could be clothing, a hair band or shoes etc. 

We have a pupil in school with cystic fibrosis and it would be amazing to show our support. 

We are not asking for any donations. However, if you would like to donate to the website or find out more information, please follow the link below. 

Cystic Fibrosis donation link


Young Voices – Biggest Sing 15/06/2021

The whole school took part in the ‘Young Voices – Biggest Sing’ event. We were joined by thousands of other pupils across the country and we all sang ‘Lovely Day’ by Bill Withers. 

If you would like to donate to the ‘Place 2 Be’ mental health charity, please see the link on the picture below.  

A big thank you to Mrs Collins for organising this event. 

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

Whitfield Residents invite you to keep Whitfield tidy!

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Reading books and water bottles

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well and have had a great half term break. 

This is a strange request. Can all drinks bottles be carried separately and not put in book bags. We have invested a lot of money in really good new books and many have been damaged by leaking water bottles. It is really important that the pupils bring bottles in to remain hydrated and we ask they are kept separate from the books. 

Thank you for your understanding, it is much appreciated.

Kind regards

Mr Woodward

Smart Travel Week 2021

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28/05/2021 – Update and Public Health Advice

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well and ready for a great half term break. This half term has gone by very quickly and it has been great to have everyone back in school. The pupils have settled in well and are working really hard. 

We are in the middle of recruiting for teachers and teaching assistants for next year and we will update everyone regarding year groups and classes next half term. 

Below is letter from Dean Wallace from Derbyshire public health.  Everyone is enjoying the gradual return to normality. In school, we are not changing any of our systems and the wearing of face coverings for parents at the start and end of the day is still required. Derbyshire public health have made us aware that cases of Coronavirus are rising in the Glossop area. Thank you for following our guidance and keeping our pupils, staff and families safe.

Letter for parents from Derbyshire public health

Have a great half term break and we look forward to seeing you all after half term. 

Kind regards

Mr Woodward


Mrs Kennett is retiring

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that I write to announce that Mrs Kennett will be retiring at the end of this term in July.

Mrs Kennett will be greatly missed and has given 24 years of her professional career to our school. Mrs Kennett has had a massive impact on the lives of many young people and their families and I am sure you will join me in thanking her for her dedication and support to our school.

This is an exciting next step for Mrs Kennett and a well-earned retirement. However, I strongly suspect Mrs Kennett  won’t be retiring fully and she already has plans to support many more young people in outdoor learning and forest schools.

Mrs Kennett will have a day on the field where all classes will join her for forest schools activities in July.

Mrs Kennett, we wish you all the very best for the future.

Mr Woodward

Smartie Challenge

Due to lockdown this had to be postponed.  However, we are still looking at this going ahead and would ask that any 20p’s or any loose change (in or out of the smartie tube) be in the class jars by Thursday 27th May (last day).  Each jar will be added up and the class raising the most will have a treat afternoon with pizza, W/C14th June.

Rainbow Raffle May 2021

Rainbow Raffle

We are going to be holding a donation day on Thursday 27th May.  The idea being that each class will be allocated a specific colour and they will be asked to bring something in of that colour.  It will be non-uniform and if they want the children can wear the colour allocated to their class, however, this is optional.  So if their class is given red they can bring in anything red ie: red wine, ketchup, shower gel, a red football, maltesers.  Anything of that colour, but we would ask that items are in date and nothing fresh.

The donations will be made up into hampers of the specific colours with maybe a couple of ‘rainbow hampers’ too.

Tickets worth £5 (£1 each) will be sent out in envelopes with each child W/C 7th June.  To be returned by Friday 9th July and the draw will be made on 16th July.  Further tickets will be available on request from the school office.

Teacher Colour
Mrs Thornley, Mrs Cox and Mrs Kennett Any colour of the rainbow
Mrs Allan Purple
Miss Taylor Red
Mrs Fletcher Orange
Mrs Cox and Mrs Mackey Pink
Miss Ratcliffe Green
Miss Weir Yellow
Mrs Collins Blue
Mr Doyle Green
Miss Warburton Red

Road Safety

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