Swimming Gala 09/12/2021

On Thursday 09/12/2021, pupils from year 5 and 6 took part in a swimming gala at Glossop pool. They did really well and were fantastic ambassadors for our school and we are all very proud of them. 

Thank you to Mr Hannan and Mr Doyle who took them.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

Important December and Christmas information

Christmas dates

Time has gone very quickly and we are in December. Please find a list of dates and information about events happening in December.

  • Nursery will be singing songs for Christmas, which will be recorded and put on the website.
  • Mrs Allan’s Class will be performing ‘Whoops a Daisy Angel’ nativity and it will be filmed and put on the website.
  • Miss Taylor’s class will perform a traditional nativity and it will be filmed and put on the website.
  • All classes will perform a song, which will be put into a Christmas concert video and put on the website. Musicians will also be given the option to perform.
  • KS1 (AM) and KS2 (PM) will be going to church on 16th December for a service, parents will not be invited but the service will be filmed and put on the website.
  • All classes will have a class Christmas party and all pupils can come to school in party clothes. Please check the list below and weekly snapshots for more information. 

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

Date Event Extra information
Friday 10th December Cake sale for the Bantama school project Non – uniform Christmas jumper day with a £1 voluntary donation. Everyone will get cake.
Friday 10th December Class songs will be recorded


11am Nursery song

Non – uniform Christmas jumper day.
Monday 13th December at 6:30pm Music concert at St James’ Church Everyone is welcome and adults and age 12+ must wear a face covering.


No charge but donations are welcome and all money will go toward supporting music in school.

Monday 13th December Aloe Vera – Miss Graham’s class party PM Pupils can come in party clothes
Tuesday 14th December Tulip – Mrs Mackey and Mr Ford’s class party PM Pupils can come in party clothes
Tuesday 14th December Peonies – Miss Warburton’s and Orchid – Miss Kuczaj’s class party Pupils can come in party clothes
Wednesday 15th December Nur and Mrs Allans’ AM class party Pupils can come in party clothes
Thursday 16th December Daisy – Mrs Heys’ class party PM Pupils can come in party clothes
Friday 17th December Snapdragon – Miss Fortune’s class party AM Pupils can come in party clothes
Monday 20th December Buttercup – Miss Taylor’s class party PM Pupils can come in party clothes
Monday 20th December Honeysuckle – Mrs Collins’ and Azalea – Mr Hannan class party Pupils can come in party clothes
Tuesday 21st December Christmas lunch Non-uniform – Festive clothes or Christmas jumpers
Tuesday 21st December Last day – end of term Have a great Christmas


Christmas Hampers

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets, the event has been really well supported and the hampers are amazing. 

We will have a final count soon but we have raised over £700 for the PTA and we will keep you updated on how the money is spent. 

The draw has taken place and 58 individuals have won a hamper and the winners will be contacted in the coming days. For those who have won the Christmas lunch hamper from Shepley’s butchers, you will be able to pick these up at the end of the school day on Tuesday 21st December. 

A massive thank you to Mrs Rimmer for making this event so successful.

Mr Woodward


Hamper Raffle

Continue reading

Arrangements for tomorrow 29/11/2021

Good evening, 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed the snow. 

No more snow has been forecast but the temperature is predicted to continue to be below freezing all night and this may make travelling to school longer. The main roads are being reported as clear but the side roads have a lot of snow and ice. School and the before and after school club will open as normal tomorrow. 

School is open at the normal time, the register will not be closed until 10:30am as It may be that we have reduced staffing first thing in the morning. where possible please bring your child(ren) in at 10:30am to allow staff to travel in safely and make the site safe. 

Please take care when travelling on the roads or paths and have a safe journey. 

Enjoy the rest of the evening. 

Mr Woodward

Cross Country 24/11/2021

Continue reading

PTA donation and non-uniform day

Friday 19th November is the PTA non-uniform day.

All pupils can wear non-uniform and bring in an optional donation and some suggestions are listed below. 

Nursery, Reception, & KS1 (Yr1 & Y2) – Christmas items. This can be anything
associated with Christmas including: Christmas cards, baubles, wrapping paper,
Christmas napkins, crackers, Christmas treats, including chocolates, biscuits,
selection boxes, advent calendars etc.

KS2 (Yr3, 4, 5 & 6) – Items that could be given as small gifts including, gift sets,
a diary, ladies/gents gloves, ladies/gents socks, candles, cosmetic bags, notebook
and pen, hand cream, perfume/aftershave etc.

School staff will also be donating items to produce a large food hamper too!

Mr Woodward and Mrs Rimmer

PTA Hamper Raffle

Thank you all for the fantastic donations for the hampers. Have a look at the pictures, the hampers are really good and Mrs Rimmer has worked really hard to put them together. 

Friday 19th November is another non-uniform and donation day and there will be more hampers made from these donation. 

Shepley’s Butchers are also donating 6 Christmas lunch hampers, which will be in the raffle. 

There is still time to get tickets for the raffle. Please speak with the office if you would like a ticket.

You need to be in it, to win it. 

Mr Woodward and Mrs Rimmer

Bantama School update and thank you video

These are the first two desks for which we fundraised, for the school in
rural Bantama village, Ghana.

They were made by a carpenter in Kumasi approx 120 miles from Bantama.
There are 100 desks and chairs for children plus four for teachers. They
were transported by a truck which came down from Bantama to get them.

Because the roads are narrow (only two carriageways, one going north and
the other south) the journey takes 5 hours each way. The furniture was
stacked in parts in the truck,  and is being made up on site.  The
carpenter came up with the load and will work on assembling  the desks &
chairs over the next few days, then he will return to Kumasi by public
transport. The next thing is raising money to buy the teaching materials
for the children (books, etc.), get the bookcases made up, then get in
the inspectors (Ghana’s OFSTED!), then the school is ready to be opened.

Girl’s Football Team 11/11/2021

Well done to the Girl’s football team. They competed for the first time yesterday and did really well. 

Thank you to Mr Hannan and Miss Horrocks for organising the event. 

Mr Woodward