Christmas dates
Time has gone very quickly and we are in December. Please find a list of dates and information about events happening in December.
- Nursery will be singing songs for Christmas, which will be recorded and put on the website.
- Mrs Allan’s Class will be performing ‘Whoops a Daisy Angel’ nativity and it will be filmed and put on the website.
- Miss Taylor’s class will perform a traditional nativity and it will be filmed and put on the website.
- All classes will perform a song, which will be put into a Christmas concert video and put on the website. Musicians will also be given the option to perform.
- KS1 (AM) and KS2 (PM) will be going to church on 16th December for a service, parents will not be invited but the service will be filmed and put on the website.
- All classes will have a class Christmas party and all pupils can come to school in party clothes. Please check the list below and weekly snapshots for more information.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Woodward
Date | Event | Extra information |
Friday 10th December | Cake sale for the Bantama school project | Non – uniform Christmas jumper day with a £1 voluntary donation. Everyone will get cake. |
Friday 10th December | Class songs will be recorded
11am Nursery song |
Non – uniform Christmas jumper day. |
Monday 13th December at 6:30pm | Music concert at St James’ Church | Everyone is welcome and adults and age 12+ must wear a face covering.
No charge but donations are welcome and all money will go toward supporting music in school. |
Monday 13th December | Aloe Vera – Miss Graham’s class party PM | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Tuesday 14th December | Tulip – Mrs Mackey and Mr Ford’s class party PM | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Tuesday 14th December | Peonies – Miss Warburton’s and Orchid – Miss Kuczaj’s class party | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Wednesday 15th December | Nur and Mrs Allans’ AM class party | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Thursday 16th December | Daisy – Mrs Heys’ class party PM | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Friday 17th December | Snapdragon – Miss Fortune’s class party AM | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Monday 20th December | Buttercup – Miss Taylor’s class party PM | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Monday 20th December | Honeysuckle – Mrs Collins’ and Azalea – Mr Hannan class party | Pupils can come in party clothes |
Tuesday 21st December | Christmas lunch | Non-uniform – Festive clothes or Christmas jumpers |
Tuesday 21st December | Last day – end of term | Have a great Christmas |