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Whitfield St James’ Long term class curriculum overview 2023-2024 (Rolling Programme)

Please be aware these curriculum maps are working documents. 

This year we have introduced a rolling programme of topics so that Key Stages cover the same topics. Please be aware that although children maybe learning the same knowledge, their progression of skills/disciplines are different and based on their expected year group or ability.


EYFS Curriculum Overview

EYFS progression document

KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Overview

Long term plan 2023-2024

Our topic cycle this year for KS1 are Movers and Shakers/Coastline and Magnificant Monarchs

Our topic cycle this year for KS2 are Through the Ages/Rocks Relics and Rumbles and Emperors and Empires. 


Previous learning cycles – 

EYFS 2022-2023

EYFS Nursery long term plan 2022-2023

EYFS Reception long term plan 2022-2023

KS1 2022-2023

Childhood topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

Big Lights, Big City topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

 School Days topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

KS2 2022-2023

Maafa topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

Polar Kindgoms topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

Britain at War topic driver – Knowledge Organiser

Please be aware that our progression skills documents for each subject are found under the foundation subjects tab – they are used within school, so please talk to subject leaders or Mr Ford if you require anymore information.