Week beginning 01.06.2020

Hello Wildflowers,

We hope you are all well and have been nice and busy over half term. We have loved reading and replying to your emails and seeing all the work you have been doing. 

We would also like to say a massive thank you to all of you who were in the video. It was lovely to see your faces and to read your lovely messages. It really meant a lot to us!

We have been into school to check on our bulbs and they are not doing too well. We have watered them lots so hopefully they will look better when we go back and check.

This week we have planned a lot of lovely activities for you to be getting on with. We are going back to our ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ topic that we looked at the start of the year. We want you to think about different minibeasts and how it is now easier to see and observe them (do you remember our trip to Manor Park in the rain?). Mr Ford has so many caterpillars growing (and eating!) the vegetables in his garden and Mrs Cox has seen so many bees in her garden too! We wonder if you have lots of minibeasts in your garden too!

Your challenge this week is going to be an on-going one. It is 50 things to do before you are 11 and 3/4. We wonder how many you have already done and how many you can tick off before the summer holidays? 

Keep smiling, working hard and being kind to yourselves and your family,

Keep safe, 

Mr Ford and Mrs Cox