Week beginning 06.07.2020

Hello Wildflowers,

We hope you are all well! So lock down as we know it is really starting to ease this week. Please continue to keep your distances and keep safe! The government has confirmed that we will be back in school in September! YAY! We are both really excited to get back to normal and we are sure there are lots of you who are ready to come back too!

This week we have a focus on measurement and time in Maths. Your English/topic work is to create and design your very own restaurant! We wonder what yours will be like? Will it have a theme? What will the menu look like? What food will you serve? We are already looking forward to seeing your fantastic ideas and work. 

Keep emailing us, we love to see what you have been up to and the work you have completed at home. 

We miss you, keep yourself and your family safe.

Mrs Cox and Mr Ford