Track and Trace Christmas Arrangements

Good afternoon, 

I think everyone is ready for the Christmas break.  I am very much hoping we won’t have any staff or pupils testing positive for Covid 19 over Christmas, but please see below the procedures we all need to follow if there is a positive case. 

Before Christmas

If a staff member or child develops symptoms up to 3:30pm on Sunday  20th December, please get a Covid 19 test and email if the test is positive. I will speak with the DFE and Public Health England and let people know if they need to isolate. 

After Christmas

There is no change to the current arrangements.

  • If your child or member of the household or bubble has symptoms, please keep your child off and get a test.
  • Please email if your child won’t be in on the first day. Then continue to email
  • If there is a positive test, please send confirmation of the test result to and follow the track and trace guidance on isolation times. 
  • Please don’t send your child into school if they are showing the following symptoms. 
    • New dry continuous cough.
    • Temperature of 37.8 degrees or higher.
    • Loss of taste or smell.

I would like to thank you all for all of your support this term and keeping our school community safe. 

Have a great Christmas and happy new year.

Mr Woodward