Category: Uncategorised

World Book Day Thursday 4th March.

Update 03/02/2021 – Return to school and before and after school club

Hello Everyone,  I hope you are all well and have had a great half term break.  As expected, Boris Johnson announced last night that school’s will return on Monday 8th March. We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back into school.  We  will be operating in a very similar way as we did from …

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NHS advice on sleeping patterns

This information is really useful. Children Sleep Routine Feb21 Parent Newsletter Feb21

Home learning – You are doing a good job.

Good afternoon,  These are really strange times and we are all doing things that are out of our routines or things for the first time.  Everybody is having a different experience and I know many are finding home school hard. It feels hard, because it is hard and that isn’t because you are doing anything …

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Talent Show!

WSJ talent show poster

Making the best of lockdown

Please see the posters below which give some great hints for making the best of this lockdown.

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Home learning parent survey January 2021

We have made a lot of changes to our home learning during this lockdown and we really appreciate your comments. We want to provide the best provision for our pupils and families and your feedback is really useful. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill in the survey. The survey is confidential …

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25/01/2021 – Key Worker Provision in school and letter from DCC

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope this email finds you well and you have had a great weekend. This is an update regarding some of the issues in the news, the challenges we all face and to thank you for your continued support.  The first section is about keyworker provision. It is not stating that …

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Update 22/01/2021

  Hello Everyone,  I hope you are all well and it is clear that you have all been working really hard both in school and at home.  Pupil Zoom Meetings It was great to see everyone at the zoom meetings and if you couldn’t make it, that is fine. We will be doing them every …

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Update 21/01/2021

Hello Everyone,  I hope you are all well. It was great to see so many of you on the zoom meetings for KS2 yesterday. If you couldn’t be there, that is absolutely fine. Next week, it will be great for me and Mr Ford to see what you have been doing.  Laptop and devices generosity …

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