Category: Uncategorised

Mrs Kennett is retiring

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that I write to announce that Mrs Kennett will be retiring at the end of this term in July. Mrs Kennett will be greatly missed and has given 24 years of her professional career to our school. Mrs Kennett has had a massive impact on the …

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Smartie Challenge

Due to lockdown this had to be postponed.  However, we are still looking at this going ahead and would ask that any 20p’s or any loose change (in or out of the smartie tube) be in the class jars by Thursday 27th May (last day).  Each jar will be added up and the class raising …

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Rainbow Raffle May 2021

Rainbow Raffle We are going to be holding a donation day on Thursday 27th May.  The idea being that each class will be allocated a specific colour and they will be asked to bring something in of that colour.  It will be non-uniform and if they want the children can wear the colour allocated to …

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Road Safety

Parents evening conversations

Easter Garden Competition 2021

A massive well done to everyone who sent in an Easter garden. They look amazing and it is clear that a lot of hard work has gone into them.  It was really hard choosing winners and all the children have got a small prize. The winners are listed below.  A massive thank you to Mrs …

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Nursery Easter Songs March 2021

Nursery Easter Songs

Testing information for parents and pupils

50+ Reads

Letter to parents – 50 reads

Appeal for reading glasses for our twin school in Dodoma (Tanzania)

We have linked with a school in Dodoma (Tanzania)  and some classes have already had letters from their twin students.  We are appealing for parents to send in any old reading glasses they have, complete with case and prescription too. They will be sent to the charity ‘Tanzania Trust UK’ who will ship them out …

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