Category: Uncategorised

Easter Hat Competition 2022

Living with Covid from 01/04/2022 DFE Guidance

Good afternoon,  Thank you for your patience while waiting for new guidance regarding testing and isolating with COVID-19. The updated guidance from the DFE which comes into effect from 1st April 2022 advises: Adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at …

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Spring Music Concert 6:30pm – 7pm on Wednesday 6th April

Our school musicians will be performing alongside local professional musicians in our ‘Spring Concert’ at St James’ Church on Wednesday 6th April at 6:30pm. All families and friends are welcome and invited to attend. Donations towards school music will be very welcome and refreshments will be on sale.  The choir and musicians will need to …

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Parent questionnaire March 2022

Dear Parent and Guardians,  It has been great to see so many of you back in school and in the classrooms after over two years of restrictions. It has been really positive for you all to see the classrooms and school environment and the teachers have commented how much they have enjoyed seeing parents in …

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Toddler Group is back – starting on Friday 29th April

Big the Musical at New Mills Art Theatre


Easter hat competition and parade

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians,  On Tuesday 5th April, we are having an Easter hat competition. All pupils and staff are invited to design, make and wear and Easter hat. We will have a parade in school and take lots of pictures for the website and there will be prizes.  There are no set criteria, …

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Comic Relief 18.03.22

Phonics and early reading information evening for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 parents

We will be having a meeting in school on Thursday 17th March at 6pm to share information about our new phonics scheme and reading books. There will a short presentation, questions and answers and an opportunity to view the resources and speak with staff.    Please fill in the survey below if you are planning …

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Parents evening Tuesday 22nd March and Thursday 24th March

Dear Parents and Carers,  It has been a long time since some of you were able to come into school and we feel it is really important that you see your child’s learning environment. We will be having parents evening in school on Tuesday 22nd March (3:50pm – 7pm) and Thursday 24th March (3:50pm – …

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