End of year message

Good afternoon,

This half term every year is always busy but I think it is fair to say that this half term and week has been particularly busy. 

As you are all aware, we have had an Ofsted inspection from Monday – Wednesday. It was a very thorough and fair process. The Ofsted team were very supportive and knowledgeable and the inspection was completed with us and not to us. Due to the summer break, it will be late in September when the report comes out due to the moderation process and legal time scales. The feedback so far was a fair reflection of the school. 

I am extremely proud of the whole school community from staff, pupils, parents, governors and church representatives who showcased what it means for pupils to attend our school. Thank you to every single parent who gave their time to fill in a survey or speak to the inspectors. One of the inspectors said, “your parents have a lot to say”. 

We have said good bye to some members of staff who are moving on to their next steps or well earned retirements.  Mrs Eccles, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Madigan, Mrs Brookes and Mrs McLennan. We can’t thank them enough for their contribution to our school and making such a difference to each and every pupil. 

Have a great summer break break.

Mr Woodward

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