Update and events for W/C 06/03/2023

Good evening, 

Welcome back after the half term and I hope you all had a great break. 

It has been ‘Book Week’ and there have been some wonderful activities happening. The entries for the egg competition have been amazing (prizes for the winners and pictures to follow), many classes have visited  ‘Dark Peak Books’ , the pupils have all used the text ‘The Fox and Star’, for writing, the ‘Pop up Library’, donations for the book swap next week, reading buddies and dressing up as book characters. 

Events for W/C 06/03/2023

Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th March Parent Evening


Tuesday – 3:50pm – 7:00pm


Thursday – 3:50pm – 5:30pm

Please note Nursey parents evening is on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th   March.


Please email parentsevening@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk if you haven’t already made an appointment.


There will be a film on in the hall.

Friday 10th March PTA Chocolate tombola donations. Pupils can wear non-uniform and pupils can bring in a chocolate donation (optional) for the chocolate tombola.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

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