Impact of pupils arriving late

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils, 

The register closes and lessons start at 9am. 

The school day is very carefully planned to maximise all learning opportunities. If children are late, they are missing learning time and classroom routines. If a child arrives at 9:15am everyday, they are missing 1 hour and 15 minutes of learning per week and in most cases, this is phonics and spelling.  This is also having  a significant impact on other children’s learning. 


If children are late and arrive after 9am, they must be brought to the office to register that they are here. 

I am aware that occasionally life may present us with things that may make us late. However, if your child is late regularly, please contact me and we may be able to support you in getting your child to class on time. 

Thank you all for your understanding.

Mr Woodward

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