W/C 01/11/2021

Friday 5th December

Here is a link to the White Rose teaching video on common multiples, and attached is a worksheet + answer sheet for you to do:


Attached is a presentation to read through and a worksheet + answers about the different types of pronouns.

You are of course welcome to do any of the suggested home learning activities on the topic homework sheet instead of/as well as the above.

Don’t forget to read your book and practise your tables on TT Rock Stars!

Pronouns presentation

Pronouns worksheet

WRM sheet

WRM answers

Thank you,
Miss Warburton

Thursday 4th November



Above is a link to the White Rose teaching video on common factors, and a worksheet + answer sheet is attached.


I have set a reading task on SATs Companion + an accompanying teaching video.

Please also remember that you can work through your Britain at War home learning suggestions booklet.

WRM sheet common factors

WRM sheet common factors answers

Thank you!

Miss Warburton

Tuesday 2nd November:

Today is our WOW day, to launch our new topic ‘Britain at War’. Please could you read the knowledge organiser that was sent out with the class newsletter to give your child an overview of the topic.
Then you could focus on one of the tasks in the home learning suggestions booklet that was sent out with the class newsletter.
In class, we will be learning about evacuation, so if you would prefer to you could research this and produce a report, perhaps on PowerPoint, if you have access to it. Or a written report/project would be fine! There are lots of links online, including the following, which we will be using in class:


In the afternoon we will be sewing, in line with the ‘Make Do and Mend’ campaign, if you would like to do the same! Again, there are lots of links online about Make Do and Mend, and also an attached document to read.

Wednesday 3rd November:

In maths, we will be revising our knowledge of factors. Here is a link to a White Rose teaching video for you to watch, and also a worksheet + answers for you to do are attached.


In English, we are revising how to use possessive apostrophes. Attached is a presentation to read through and an activity sheet + answers. (Please don’t be alarmed that the presentation says Y4 on it, this is because it is a Y4 learning objective, but revision is always needed on this in Y6 to ensure apostrophes are being used accurately – all Y6 children will be revising it)!

If you would prefer to, you can of course continue to work through the ‘Britain at War’ home learning booklet instead.

Best wishes,
Miss Warburton