Update 12/05/2023

Good evening, 

This has been a very busy week and the year 6 pupils have worked incredibly hard in completing their SATs tests. The atmosphere in school has been really calm and we are all really proud of them all. A massive thank you to all the staff, pupils and parents who have worked so hard to make SATs week a really positive experience.  

Entrance to the garages

The garage owners have had  lots of complaints about parents blocking the garages. This is private property and they have installed a chain which will be put across at the start and end of the school day. Unless you are the holder of a blue badge, please don’t drive down Chadwick Street as there will be nowhere to turn around. 

There have also been a lot of minor accidents and near misses. Not using Chadwick Street will reduce the risk to our pupils. 

The police will be patrolling regularly and they have been clear that anyone parking dangerously, illegally or double parking will be prosecuted.  

Dates for W/C 15/05/2023

There are no dates you need to be aware of for next week. 

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday. 

Mr Woodward

Update and dates for W/C 8th May

Good afternoon, 

It has been a busy week, the pupils have really enjoyed learning about the coronation and are looking forward to the weekend celebrations. 

Staffing update

Miss Graham will be returning from maternity leave on the 12th May and will be working Bluebell class. Mrs Lockett will continue as the Aloe Vera class teacher until July 2023. 

Dates for W/C 8th May

W.C 08.05.23 KS2 SATS Week


The pupils are ready and we are incredibly proud of them all. 

All year 6 pupils are welcome to come in at 8:30am every day next for toast and drinks. Every year, the atmosphere is lovely and calm for SATs week. 

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend. 

Mr Woodward. 

PTA Newsletter April 2023

PTA Newsletter April 2023

Innov8 Summer club

Weekly update and dates for W/C 2nd May

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well and ready for the bank holiday weekend. 

It has been another busy week in school and everyone is enjoying their new topics. 

Industrial Action

The classes that will not be in school on Tuesday 2nd May have all been notified by text message. 

Dates for next week

Thursday 4th May  Musical Beasts Concert at Church Mrs Madigan, Mrs Collins and Mrs Lockett’s classes.

This is in school time during the afternoon.

Thursday 4th May Class pictures Pupils are to come in school uniform and PE will be done in uniform.
Friday 5th May Coronation party Pupils will be having a street party in the afternoon with songs and celebration.

Have a great bank holiday weekend. 

Mr Woodward

Welcome back

Good afternoon, 

It has been great to see everyone back in school after Easter. All the pupils  and staff have been working very hard and enjoying the new topics. 

Staff update

Mrs Donaldson has officially started her retirement and is very grateful for the kind messages sent. Mrs Ovington has joined our team and is looking forward to working with everyone. 

Industrial action

The NEU union is taking industrial strike action on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. The parents of the classes which will close have been notified and we will make parents aware of any changes as soon as possible. 

Term Dates for 2023/2024

2023/2024 academic year
  • 4 September 2023 to 27 October 2023 (40 days)
  • 6 November 2023 to 22 December 2023 (35 days)
  • 8 January 2024 to 16 February 2024 (30 days)
  • 26 February 2024 to 28 March 2024 (24 days)
  • 15 April 2024 to 24 May 2024 (6 May 2024 is a bank holiday) (29 days)
  • 3 June 2024 to 23 July 2024 (37 days)


  • Monday 4th September 2023
  • Tuesday 5th September 2023
  • Friday 27th October2023
  • Friday 16th February 2024
  • Thursday 28th March 2024

There are no events happening next week that require you to do anything. 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mr Woodward

Traffic near school and keeping everyone safe

I know you are all aware that the roads around our school can get congested at drop-off and pick-up times.

The school and the school parliament are working hard to keep everyone safe. Unfortunately, there have been a number of incidents where adults and children have been hit by a car or there has been a near miss. 

We have applied for the following interventions but there haven’t been enough reported incidents for the council to take action:

  • 20 miles per hour limit and signage from Tredcroft Street to Sunlaw Street
  • A single white line from Tredcroft Street to Sunlaw Street from 8am-9:30am and 3pm-4pm to prevent double parking
  • Speed bumps from Tredcroft Street to Sunlaw Street

The council have to go off data to put measures in place but we want to prevent anyone being hurt or being killed.  Please drive carefully and report any incidents to the police (101). 

We know parking is difficult on any estate and we ask that you respect local residents, walk where possible and drive carefully. 

Thank you for helping in keeping our families and staff safe. 

Mr Woodard

Mrs Donaldson’s last day

Mrs Donaldson’s last day was today and she will be greatly missed. Thank you all for contributing your thoughts. 

We had a celebration breakfast this morning and a leaver’s assembly this afternoon. It has been a wonderful day and I know you will all join me in thanking Mrs Donaldson for all she has done for our school. The good news is, she will still be involved in school life and will always be welcome. 

Have a lovely Easter break.

Mr Woodward

School Parliament interview Robert Largan (MP) 31/03/2023

I was very proud of our school parliament today, Robert Largan explained his role as an MP and they asked him lots of questions. 

  • Recycling and pollution
  • Road safety 
  • School funding

Have a great Easter break.

Mr Woodward


Easter colouring competition winner – supported by Edward Mellor Estate Agents

Thank you to everyone who entered the Easter colouring competition, there were some great entries. Thank you to the representative from Edward Mellor who cam into school and presented the winners with their prizes. 

Have a great Easter break.

Mr Woodward