Football groups at Glossop North End

Update and dates for the last two weeks

Good morning, 

It has been a very busy week with many of the year 6 pupils visiting their high schools and our pupils meeting their new teacher, teaching assistant and pupils. 

Staff update

Yesterday, we were extremely pleased to welcome Miss Meredith to our school and she will be teaching in KS2.  

It was a pleasure to welcome Mrs Beard, who will join our school as a teaching assistant in reception. 

New classes

Most parents are aware of how classes are chosen for each pupil and this is a reminder and information for parents new to our school. 

We have places for 45 pupils in each year group and class sizes in KS1 can’t be above 30. In some year groups we have 45 and other 30, therefore we are always going to have mixed aged classes. All pupils are different , we pride ourselves on putting the needs of the pupils first and taking them from where they are to where they needed to be in term of social interaction, learning and all the other many aspects of school life. Pupils are placed on a variety of criteria; relationships with peers and staff, friendships and the best class to ensure all pupils make the maximum amount of progress. I cannot emphasise enough that classes are not based solely on ability and all classes have a broad range of pupils from the year group cohort. For example, if we have a Y6 and a Y5/6 class , the year 6 pupils in the Y6 class are not have a higher ability than the the Y5/6 class. It is inaccurate and demotivating if parents and pupils believe that classes are based solely on ability. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at our summer BBQ tonight from 4:30pm. 

Have a great weekend.



Important dates for the next two weeks

10.07.23 Sports Day Parents and friends of our school are welcome.

Reception to Y2 pupils from 9:45am on the field.

Y3-Y6 from 1:30pm on the field.

11.07.23 Summer Music Concert Our musicians will perform with the professional musicians.

All are welcome.

Pupils to arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.

12.07.23 Y6 Production

2:00pm and 6:00pm

Tickets will be available. More information to follow
12.07.23 Nursery Sports day Pupils and friends of our school are welcome.
13.07.23 Family support drop in Please come and meet our team, biscuits, tea and coffee and the only daft question is the one you don’t ask.
14.07.23 Y6 Transition to Glossopdale Parents will have received information from the school.
18.07.23 Y6 Leavers’ party More information to follow
19.07.23 PTA disco More information to follow
20.07.23 Leavers Assembly in school Y6 parents invited for 9:30am start
21.07.23 Last day

30/06/23 – Update and dates for the term

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are well and ready for the weekend. 

The visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture park was hugely successful and the pupils and staff had a great time. 

Year 6 transition

The year 6 pupils have their transition to the high school over the next few weeks and most are looking forward to it. It is perfectly natural for the pupils to have a mixture of feelings, from being really excited to a little bit nervous. They are all ready for this transition and they will be fine, when they return to school we will support them. The hoodies have arrived, they have been given out and can be worn on transition and in school until the end of term. The only conditions are that they wear normal school uniform and don’t wear the hoods up inside. 

School transition

Our school transition day is Thursday 6th July and the pupils will spend the day with their new class teacher. One of the teachers will be new to our school and the pupils will meet Miss Meredith on Thursday – you may have seen her around school this week. We are very lucky to have her teaching in our school and we look forward to welcoming her to our team. 

A lot of time and thought goes into placing the children and we go through a lengthy process to try and get it right. We place pupils based on our knowledge of them, ability, friendships, relationship with staff and therefore giving them the best chance to succeed. Because we have up to 45 pupils per year group, our classes change yearly and the pupils understandably get excited and anxious in equal measure about their new class. Please support your child and our decisions. It is normal for them to be anxious and if you do wish to talk about it, please contact me directly. 

Have a great weekend.


03.07.23 -07.07.23 Y6 Transition to SPH Parents will have received information from the school.
04.07.23 Y4 trip to the Bridgwater hall Pupils need to be in school by 8:00am to get the coach and they will be back about 1:00pm.
05.07.23 NEU industrial action Mr Hannan’s and Miss Kuczaj’s class will be closed.
05.07.23 Mrs Mackey’s and Mrs Lockett’s class ‘Wartime Music Hall’. 3:30pm in school for parents. More information to follow on Class Dojo.
06.07.23 School Transition day The pupil’s will meet their new teachers and spend the day in their new classes.
06.06.23 New Mills High School transition Parents will have received information from the school.
07.07.23 NEU industrial action Mr Hannan’s and Miss Kuczaj’s class will be closed
07.07.23 Summer Fair 4:30-7:30pm and all of our community are welcome.
10.07.23 Sports Day Parents and friends of our school are welcome.

Reception to Y2 pupils from 9:45am on the field.

Y3-Y6 from 1:30pm on the field.

11.07.23 Summer Music Concert Our musicians will perform with the professional musicians.

All are welcome.

Pupils to arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.

12.07.23 Y6 Production

2:00pm and 6:00pm

Tickets will be available. More information to follow
12.07.23 Nursery Sports day Pupils and friends of our school are welcome.
13.07.23 Family support drop in Please come and meet our team, biscuits, tea and coffee and the only daft question is the one you don’t ask.
14.07.23 Y6 Transition to Glossopdale Parents will have received information from the school.
18.07.23 Y6 Leavers’ party More information to follow
19.07.23 PTA disco More information to follow
20.07.23 Leavers Assembly in school Y6 parents invited for 9:30am start
21.07.23 Last day

Update and dates for W/C 26/06/2023

Good evening, 

I hope you are well and read for the weekend. 

The next few weeks are going to become very busy over the coming weeks and there will be lots of events happening. They are on the ‘term dates’ tab and I will list them weekly below. 

Staff update

Mrs Gleeson has asked me to notify all parents that she has been diagnosed with the early stages of breast cancer. The prognosis is very positive for a full recovery, she will have an operation in the coming weeks and will not be school for a while. 

We are fully supporting Mrs Gleeson and her family and we are looking forward to welcoming her back in school after a full recovery. 

The children in Mrs Gleeson’s class have been told that she needs to have an operation and will be back as soon as possible. We would be grateful if you could convey the same message if you talk about this with your children. 

Industrial action

Please be aware that the NEU union have industrial action planned for Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July 2023. I will notify you with which classes will be closed. 

  • Mr Hannan’s class will be closed on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July 2023.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward


27.06.23 Nursery EYFS parents in 9:00-10:00am
28.06.23 School trip – Yorkshire Sculpture Park


Nursery EYFS Parents in

TMa/JTa/RCo class




29.06.23 Sing up day All classes to perform a song in the hall 2:30pm
03.07.23 -07.07.23 Y6 Transition to SPH





05.07.23 Aloe Vera and Foxglove Wartime performance TBC time start for parents
07.07.23 Summer Fair 4:30pm-8:00pm
10.07.23 Sports Day  

Reception/KS1 9am

KS2 1pm

Bluebells pm stay and play sports afternoon


11.07.23 Nursery visit – Whistlestop During school time
11.07.23 Summer music concert in school Pupils to arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.
12.07.23 Sports Day Nursery – from 1pm
11.07.23 Y6 Production

2:00pm and 6:00pm

Tickets will be available. More information to follow
13.07.23 Family drop in sessions with Laura Johnson 9am – 10am – parent support, emotional well-being and instant advice. All families are welcome and there will be tea/coffee and biscuits.
18.07.23 Y6 Leavers party More information to follow
19.07.23 PTA disco More information to follow
20.07.23 Leavers assembly in school Year 6 parents invited into school 9:30am
21.07.23 Leavers assembly Whole school 9:30am
21.07.23 Last day

21/06/2023 – National thank a teacher and school day

Today is national thank a teacher and school day. If you would like to thank a member of staff in school, please fill in the form below. 

We really appreciate your continued support and thank you for recognising the hard work of our team. 

Thank a teacher form

Mr Woodward

Update and dates for the summer term

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are well and ready for the weekend. 

It has been a busy and hot week, many pupils have brought their work to me and I am very proud of them. Year 5/6 have had a very successful residential to the Hollowford Centre in Castleton. Mrs Allan’s and Mrs Cox’s class really enjoyed their trip to Whistlestop. 

Thank you for supporting the clothing giveaway this week. We will be having a clothing giveaway termly and we will ask for donations before each event. We have taken all of the clothes that you have donated to the Hummingbird Project and they are very grateful. 

Weather next week

The forecast for next week is to be cooler with some rain. Please make sure pupils have a water bottle, sun cream applied before school if the forecast is hot and a coat if it is due to rain. 


The vast majority of the pupils are coming to school in the correct uniform for school and for PE. However, some pupils are coming into school in football kits or non-uniform. This is making them stand out from the other pupils and is not in our policy. If there is a problem, such as the washing machine has broken or there is a confidential matter, please make me or the class teacher aware. If there is a genuine reason, that’s fine but I don’t want to have to start phoning parents to bring in the correct uniform. 


The gates open at 8:45am and the register closes at 9:00am. If pupils are late, they miss a vital transition to the day with their peers and phonics or English. There has been a lot of lates this week and a lot of lost learning time. If there is a genuine reason and it is a one off, that is fine. If there is a reason or confidential matter that you would like to discuss with me, please make contact. From W/C 19th June 2023, we will be following the school policy and a fixed penalty notice could be issued if your child is late and a legitimate reason is not given. 

Thank you for all of your continued support and the reminders above are simply there to make your children’s time at school the best it can be. 

Have a great weekend. 


Date for the Summer term

Date Event Information
14.06.23- 16.06.23 Y5/6 Residential to the Hollowford centre.    
20.06.23 School trip – ‘Forest School’



Hal/NCo class – leaving school at 1:15pm and return at 2:30pm.
21.06.23 Rec/Y6 Weight and Height


Parents will be contacted directly by the NHS and the check can only happen with consent.
22.06.23 New Parent Meeting Reception pupils Sept 2023 at 6pm.
27.06.23 Nursery EYFS parents in 9:00-10:00am
28.06.23 School trip – Yorkshire Sculpture Park


Nursery EYFS Parents in

TMa/JTa/RCo class




29.06.23 Sing up day All classes to perform a song in the hall 2:30pm
30.06.23 Non-uniform day PTA



Children to wear non-uniform for a bottle donation
03.07.23 -07.07.23 Y6 Transition to SPH





05.07.23 Aloe Vera and Foxglove Wartime performance 2:50pm start
07.07.23 Y6 Transition to Glossopdale


Transition Day


Summer Fair

Transition full day





10.07.23 Sports Day  

Reception/KS1 9am

KS2 1pm

Bluebells pm stay and play sports afternoon


11.07.23 Nursery visit – Whistlestop During school time
11.07.23 Summer music concert in school Pupils to arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.
12.07.23 Sports Day Nursery – from 1pm
11.07.23 Y6 Production

2:00pm and 6:00pm

Tickets will be available. More information to follow
13.07.23 Family drop in sessions with Laura Johnson 9am – 10am – parent support, emotional well-being and instant advice. All families are welcome and there will be tea/coffee and biscuits.
18.07.23 Y6 Leavers party More information to follow
19.07.23 PTA disco More information to follow
20.07.23 Leavers assembly in school Year 6 parents invited into school 9:30am
21.07.23 Leavers assembly Whole school 9:30am
21.07.23 Last day
School will be open for some periods during the summer holidays (if you want to come in) more information to follow.

Informal chat and a brew with the family support team

Please see the poster below about our informal chat and brew sessions with our family support team. 

Thursday 29th June and Thursday 13th July 2023 at 9am – 10am in school. 

Everyone is welcome, come for a chat, ask any questions and have 10 minutes with a brew and a biscuit. Remember the rule, the only daft question is the one you don’t ask. 

Mr Woodward

Whitfield St James’ drop in Family Support

Important events for the summer term

Date Event Information
W.C 12.06.23 Phonics screening check week  
14.06.23- 16.06.23 Y5/6 Residential to the Hollowford centre.    
20.06.23 School trip – ‘Forest School’



Hal/NCo class – leaving school at 1:15pm and return at 2:30pm.
21.06.23 Rec/Y6 Weight and Height


Parents will be contacted directly by the NHS and the check can only happen with consent.
22.06.23 New Parent Meeting Reception pupils Sept 2023 at 6pm.
27.06.23 Nursery EYFS parents in 9:00-10:00am
28.06.23 School trip – Yorkshire Sculpture Park


Nursery EYFS Parents in

TMa/JTa/RCo class




29.06.23 Sing up day All classes to perform a song in the hall 2:30pm
30.06.23 Non-uniform day PTA



Children to wear non-uniform for a bottle donation
03.07.23 -07.07.23 Y6 Transition to SPH





05.07.23 Aloe Vera and Foxglove Wartime performance 2:50pm start
07.07.23 Y6 Transition to Glossopdale


Transition Day


Summer Fair

Transition full day





10.07.23 Sports Day  

Reception/KS1 9am

KS2 1pm

Bluebells pm stay and play sports afternoon


11.07.23 Nursery visit – Whistlestop During school time
11.07.23 Summer music concert in school Pupils to arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start.
12.07.23 Sports Day Nursery – from 1pm
11.07.23 Y6 Production

2:00pm and 6:00pm

Tickets will be available. More information to follow
13.07.23 Family drop in sessions with Laura Johnson 9am – 10am – parent support, emotional well-being and instant advice. All families are welcome and there will be tea/coffee and biscuits.
18.07.23 Y6 Leavers party More information to follow
19.07.23 PTA disco More information to follow
20.07.23 Leavers assembly in school Year 6 parents invited into school 9:30am
21.07.23 Leavers assembly Whole school 9:30am
21.07.23 Last day
School will be open for some periods during the summer holidays (if you want to come in) more information to follow.

Events for W/C 22/05/2023

Good Evening, 

I hope you are all ready for the weekend, the forecast is sunshine. Please see below for dates for week. 

Have a great weekend. 

Mr Woodward

22.05.23 Fire Safety talk Y2  
24.05.23 Pentecost service in church 2pm in church and all parents and friends of our school are welcome.
25.05.23 Music fundraiser concert St James’ Church – musicians and music teachers perform 6:30pm
26.05.23 Non-uniform day PTA Children to wear non-uniform for a rainbow raffle donation


Visit from the Tanzania Trust 15/05/2023