Viking Day

On Thursday the 14th February, we will be celebrating ‘Viking Day’.

All pupils and staff are invited to dress up, please see links below that have suggestions for making outfits. We will have a themed assembly, activities throughout the day and a themed school lunch (Viking Lunch Menu). If your child(ren) would like a school dinner on that day, please let school know by Friday 8th February. 

The purpose of the day is to learn about Vikings and costumes don’t need to be expensive. 


Pinterest Suggestions

Interesting fact – Vikings did not have horns on their helmets. The Victorians made this up to make stage plays look more interesting. 

Tesco Donated a Hamper

Autumn 1 Gold Treat 2018

Mrs Fletcher’s Class making pizza and Pizza Express

Cake Sale for Willow Wood Hospice

Tesco donated a hamper for our PTA

Rotary Gardener’s award September 2018

New Building

 We are very pleased to announce that we are now in our new building and it is already proving to be a fantastic addition to our school.