Smartie Challenge

Smartie Challenge
From next week (WC 07/12/2020), we will be sending all children home with a smarties tube with smarties in or a suitable alternative, such as dairy free. The easier of the two challenges is to eat the chocolate and the more tougher challenge is to  collect 20p coins to go in the empty tube.  Tubes to be returned to class by the 29th January.
The class that raises the most will get a treat afternoon. 
Estimated – 40 tubes – 1 Ipad.

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

We have been asked whether children can bring in Christmas cards for other pupils. The answer is yes, but we will have to quarantine them for 72 hours between each step.

We’ll therefore have a Christmas post box/tray in each classroom.

Children may bring cards in during the week beginning 30th November and be placed into the postbox/tray. The last date for bringing in cards will be the morning of Monday 7th to allow enough time to quarantine between each step.

On Wednesday 9th December the postbox/tray will be emptied and the cards will be distributed to the class during that day or to other classes (where they will need to be quarantined again for 72 hours), to be brought home in bookbags.

This means that any cards brought in after the morning of Monday 7th may not be distributed until the first day of the Spring Term on Monday 4th January – sorry.

Please ensure that any cards are labelled with the child’s name and class please.

Update 11/11/2020

Good evening, 

We were doing very well and we were all hoping that we would not have any confirmed cases of Covid 19 in school. However, this was not to be and we have been instructed by the DFE to close Mrs Fletcher’s class and the staff and pupils will need to isolate until 21/11/2020 and the class will be back open on Monday 23/11/2020. The member of staff with the confirmed case is fine and we all wish them a speedy recovery. The pupils who need to isolate have already been contacted. 

General DFE letter

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

Update 06/11/2020

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I would like to thank you all for making our first week back really positive and it has been lovely to see everyone at the gate . With the start of another national lockdown, I know this is an anxious time for everyone. We are shielding the children from this pandemic in school. The lockdown doesn’t change very much for schools, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything, please contact school.

A member of staff contracted the virus over the half term and became symptomatic on Sunday 1st November. They are feeling better and I have sent our best wishes. The member of staff  has not been in school since Friday 23rd October and track and trace are clear that we don’t need to take any further action. 

There are a number of parents with positive tests and it is clear that the number of cases are rising significantly in the area. I can’t thank you all enough for for everything you are doing to reduce risk in school and in our community. Please continue to follow ours and government guidance.

  • Observe social distancing in the playground.
  • Leave the playground as soon as the children come out of school. 
  • If families need to isolate through track and trace, the family must must not leave their property. 
  • If the child or a member of the household has Covid 19 symptoms, they must isolate and not send their child into school for 14 days or until there is a negative test. Please keep school informed throughout this process. 


I know our narrow streets make it difficult to get to our school. There has been an increase in the number of cars coming down Chadwick street and an increasing number of near misses. 

  • Please only park in the disabled bays if you are the holder of a valid blue badge.
  • Please don’t drive down Chadwick Street unless it is necessary.
  • Please don’t park in the staff car park or near the garages. 

Parent Reports

The children will bring home their parents report today but in future we are going to set up an email system to reduce the amount of paper and to help in virus control. 

If you require another copy of the report, please email the class teacher or myself and we will arrange it. 

We will assess the children in December and you will get these results in the next parent report in January 2021. 


We are going to have a whole school assembly at 10:50am on Wednesday 11th November on Zoom. 

We will record the assembly and are hoping to share it on the website. 

  • Introduction by Mr Woodward.
  • ‘Ode to remembrance’ by Mr Doyle .
  • Minutes silence.
  • Last Post.
  • Show poppy display on the classroom windows.


Diwali is on Saturday 14th November and I will deliver a recorded assembly on Monday 16th November. All classes will do some Diwali activities during that week. 

Children in Need

This is Friday 13th November and we will have a non uniform day but with no donation. 

Although I am hopeful we will have no positive cases in school, the odds are that we will at some point. We need to be vigilant and careful. Remote learning systems are in place and we will be able to respond quickly if there is the need to close a class bubble or the whole school. The one thing I am very clear about is that however tough things get, we will get through them together.

Keep taking care of each other and have a great weekend. 

Best wishes

Mr Woodward

Children and young people’s mental health course

This is a children and young people’s mental health course fully funded by the government. Please read the details below and see the information leaflet. You can sign up on the link below but there is a charge of £150 if you don’t finish the course without a genuine reason. 
Course Structure:
– The qualifications are all question based.
– Fully funded by AEB (Adult Education Budget) – meaning there is no cost to the individual or organisation
– Time frame of 6 weeks to be completed, taking between 15-30 hours depending on selected qualification.
– Nationally accredited, awarded by one of the 3 awarding bodies: NCFE, CACHE, TQUK & Ofsted recognised
– Question & Answer format – No essays
– Online platform to complete the qualification, therefore a computer or laptop will be needed.
– 2 workbooks to be completed, with them needing to be submitted at the 3 & 6 week stage.
– Tutor support throughout for any help and guidance.
– Upon completion, you will receive a ‘Level 2 VRQ Certificate’ in your chosen subject, such as: ‘Level 2 VRQ certificate in Understanding Children & Young People’s Mental Health’. 
– The certificate will be sent to your home address once completed, but please be advised this may take at least 3 months to receive due to the current backlog with certificates because of the pandemic.
  • If anyone enrols and doesn’t complete without a genuine reason, the learner can be charged an administration fee of up to £150. This is to cover the cost of the enrolment. If, however, you need a little longer to complete (for a genuine reason), then extensions can be granted on an individual basis (tutor discretion).
– Aged 19+
– Have the right to work in the UK
– Have been in the EU/UK for the past 3 years
– Not currently doing a government funded qualification
– Register through the website, through the link shared. 
– Once completed, I will contact you to go through final steps and make sure you understand everything about the qualification. 
– A link will then be sent to your email to complete an enrolment form, which will ask for further personal details (due to accessing government funding).
– As soon as this is done, log in details will be sent out to start your chosen qualification.
In order to get started, we’d need you to complete the enrolment process, starting with the Registration, of which you can find the link attached (qualifications zone).  REGISTER BY Friday 20TH NOVEMBER.

Letter from the Director of Public Health.

Please see attached  a letter from the Director of Public Health.

Letter for Parents and Carers Director of Public Health

Aloe Vera and Forget me nots Y3/4 (Miss Graham and Miss Weir) Wow Day Wednesday 4th November

Our new topics are all about the Romans! For our WOW day, please can the children bring a tunic/Toga style outfit to wear on Wednesday 4th November (over the top of their uniform).

Packed lunches from the Vibe

People of Whitfield (Community Group) will be providing free packed lunches for school
 children over the half term holiday.
 The lunch bags will be available for collection at Pure Vibes centre on
 Ebenezer Street between 11.30 and 12.30 from Monday to Friday.

 If interested please let us know how many lunches you will be collecting,
 along with any special requirements, before 10.30am on Monday: text
 07474476970 (use ‘0800 reverse’ if you have no phone credit)

We’d like to thank Mettricks, Asda and Tesco for their support with this

Update 23/10/2020 and Parents Evening

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians, 

We are at half term already and time has gone very quickly. This has been a very different start to the year but it has been  hugely positive. The atmosphere in school has been wonderful and I am very proud of all of our pupils. They have settled in well and all staff have been working really  hard to identify and close any gaps in learning and well being. This fantastic start to the year has been down you as parents and the hard work of all of our staff and I thank you all for all you have done for our pupils and school.

We all know from the media that cases are still rising and we are under either tier 2 or tier 3 restrictions depending on where we live. We must continue to follow all government and school guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in school and causing closures. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has followed our guidance. Please find below a reminder of this guidance. 

  • All parents or people dropping off and picking children up must wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt. 
  • Follow the one system in school.
  • Please don’t come into school or send your child in, if they are showing the following symptoms. 
    • New dry continuous cough.
    • Temperature over 37.8 degrees.
    • Loss of taste or smell. 
      • If your child develops, these symptoms, you will be asked to collect them.
  • Where possible, one adult per child or family coming into school.

Traffic near school

I fully understand that parking is very difficult on this estate but please avoid driving down  Chadwick Street as there have been a number of near misses. The last thing anyone in our school community wants is a child or adult being hit by a car.  

  • Please don’t park in the disabled bays unless you have a valid blue badge. 
  • Please don’t park in the staff carpark or near the garages. The land owner has stated legal action may be taken.

We know these are difficult times and we thank you all for your support in all of these areas. 

Scooters and Bikes

We fully support riding and scooting to school but make sure your child pushes the bike or scooter in the school grounds.

Parent Evening

Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet with parents in school but it is really important for you as parents to find out how your children are doing in school.

We are going to send report cards to parents on Friday 06/11/2020, which will report on effort in the key areas and you can arrange a 10 minute phone call with the teacher if needed. Please see the templates below.  Attainment information will be shared in January 2021 as it was last year. 

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form Nursery

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form Reception

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form KS1 and KS2

I hope you all have a fantastic half term break and we look forward to seeing you Monday 2nd November. 

Best Wishes

Mr Woodward

Y4/5/6 Daisies and Honeysuckle Stargazers Wow Day 02.11.2020

On Monday 2nd November, children in Mrs Collins and Mr Doyle’s class are invited to come into school dressed in space themed clothing. They could be in all black like the night sky, covered in stars, planets or dressed as an alien or astronaut !

We will learning about all sorts of things about stars and space during the day! 

Look below for some ideas!