Home Learning Expectations

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well. 

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well. 

Everyone’s circumstances are different and many people are working from home and supporting their children’s learning. The vast majority of pupils have logged onto google classrooms and everyone is working hard. We have provided a lot of work per day and we are working on the most effective way of presenting this. If pupils want to complete all work, that is fine but adding additional pressure during this already difficult time, is the last thing we want. Government advice is to aim to complete between 3 – 4 hours of schooling a day and we would recommend splitting this into short block of 20 – 30 minutes. We appreciate this is challenging for many families and if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact school. 

Parents Remote Learning

Take care and have a good afternoon.

Mr Woodward

Take care and have a good afternoon.

Mr Woodward

Update 09/01/2021

Good afternoon, 

I won’t make a habit of weekend updates but I wanted to thank the whole school community for all your support and patience this week. I suspect the word ‘normal’ will need some redefinition but whatever the definition, this hasn’t been a normal week.

All the staff have been working tirelessly to minimise the impact of this third lockdown on our families and learning. Please see the link below for more information about home learning. 

Parents Remote Learning

I would like to thank everyone again for their support and a special thank you to those who have been so positive on social media, it means a lot to us all. 

Have a great weekend and take care of yourselves. 

Take care

Mr Woodward


School will be closed on Friday 08/01/2021

Due to the forecast of heavier snow all day and some staff can’t safely travel, school will be closed today. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Mr Woodward.

Update 06/01/2021

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Update 04/01/2021 and Key worker survey

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Forget-me-nots – WOW Day

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Update 03/01/2020


Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils, 

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed what for many, was a quieter Christmas. I am sorry to be contacting you on a Sunday but I know you will understand these are unusual circumstances. 

There is a lot of information on the news and social media about schools switching to home learning and offering places for key workers. Things are changing from moment to moment but as it stands now, our school will be open as normal from Monday 4th January 2021. 

You will all be aware of the rise in cases, hospital admissions and the new strain of the Coronavirus.  A number of the unions have issued advice to their members.

This is a summary of the action and advice from the unions so far. 

  • NAHT and ASCL have started legal proceedings against the government and have given them a deadline of 3pm on 04/01/2021. 
  • NEU and Unison have issued members with a letter to the headteacher regarding working from home or working with keyworker children in school, should schools close under section 44 of the health and safety act. 
  • NASUWT have advised members to attend school. 

All teachers will be in their normal classes and we will open as planned. 

I genuinely don’t know if  the government will reverse their decision and move to home learning and vulnerable and key worker provision. I suspect there will be more changes in the coming hours and days. 

This is a summary of the plans we have in place and the measures we need follow in school.

  • All teachers have a two week unit of work planned for home learning. 
  • A parent survey to sign up for key worker provision is ready.
  • If provision moves to key worker provision, we will operate the previous bubble system and home learning will be supported through the website, emails and phone calls. 

Things are changing regularly, please ask school any questions and use our school website for information about our school. Our number one priority is the safety and well being of our families and staff and the learning of our pupils. I will let you know immediately by text and the website if anything changes. 

Please keep following all of our and governments guidance and stay safe. 

Have a lovely evening and look after yourselves 

Mr Woodward

Aloe Vera’s WOW Day

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Wildflowers – WOW Day information

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Update 30/12/2020

Good evening, 

I hope you are all well and have had a great Christmas. 

Many of you will have watched or heard the main points from the latest government guidance. Our school will be in a tier 4 area from 00.01 Thursday  31st December 2020.  Our school is not in one of the tier 4 areas where primary schools will close and we will be open from Monday 4th January as planned. 

We are all aware that guidance is changing daily and I will continue to keep you up to date with any changes. Please see below for plans if there is a closure and what tier 4 restrictions are.

In order to keep our school community safe, please follow the national and school guidelines.

Have a great weekend, take care of yourselves and we are all looking forward to seeing you and the children on Monday.

Best wishes

Craig Woodward

School Closure

If there is a school closure, it is highly likely that we will have vulnerable and key worker children in school.

  • I will set up an online survey for you to apply for a place in the key worker bubbles. 
  • You will need to provide evidence that you are entitled to a place, such as work identification, letter headed paper or a work email.  List of keyworkers
  • Pupils will be placed into bubbles appropriate to their age where possible. Pupils from the same family will be in the same bubble. 
  • Pupils will be taught the curriculum and challenged appropriately. Other than not being in their normal classes,  the pupils won’t notice much difference in the day to day running of the school. 

Home learning

  • Teachers have already planned work for two weeks for their classes that will match the provision they would have had in school. 
  • Pupils will use the website, google classrooms and purple mash. Work will be printed and posted as requested.
  • Parents and pupils are encouraged to use the class emails to keep in contact with the teachers and ask any questions. It may not be the class teacher that replies. Parents will be contacted by phone at least once every two weeks. Parents can request phone calls through email as needed. 

We hope this won’t be necessary and we will support all families and ensure there is little or no loss of learning. 

Tier 4 Guidance