Weekly update and dates for W/C 13/11/2023

Good afternoon, 

Welcome back and it has been great to see everyone back after half term. It has been a busy week with Times Tables Rockstars day and it was lovely to see so many parents coming to the KS2 times tables workshops. It is nice to see so many people coming to toddler group on a Friday morning in Nursery. Our first parents and carers autism group was very well supported and thank you to Miss Graham who organised this. I was really proud of all of the pupils this morning during our Remembrance service and minutes silence at 11am. Thank you to Colin who joined us from Glossop band and played the last post and thank you to Mr Doyle for reading the poem ‘for the fallen’ by Laurence Binyon. 

The weather is starting to get colder and wetter. Please ensure your child comes to school with a coat and a hat and gloves as needed.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

Dates for W/C 13/11/2023

Date Event Information
Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th November Individual school photographs Pupils must be in normal school uniform on Monday (13th) and Tuesday (14th) for photographs
Friday 17th November Non-uniform day Bottle donation for the Winter wonderland Fair
Friday 17th November Winter wonderland Fair 5pm – 7pm in school

All friend of our school are welcome

Ofsted feedback meeting 23/10/2023

Thank you to everyone who was able to make the Ofsted feedback meeting last night. It was great to share the feedback from the inspectors and the next steps for our school. Life gets extremely busy and for those that couldn’t make it, please find the slides below. 

Parent Ofsted Feedback 23 10 23

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

Glossop Jog 08/10/2023

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog and thank you to Mr Hannan for organising. It was a great morning and well supported by the community. 

Mr Woodward


Ofsted Feedback Meeting – Monday 23rd October at 6pm

As you are aware, we had our school Ofsted inspection in July and the report was published in September. We were graded as good in all areas and the report was very positive. The report was short but our school feedback was much more detailed. 

At the meeting, we will give feedback, next steps and answer any questions you may have. 

The governors and I look forward to seeing you there. 

Have a lovely evening.

Mr Woodward

Update and events for next week – 16/10/2023

Good afternoon, 

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Rotary Glossop Run last Sunday. It was great to see so many people running and enjoying the event.

Well done to the girl’s netball team who had a competition this week. 

A massive well done to the girl’s football team who came second in the final at the Silverlands stadium in Buxton. 

Dates for next week

Parent evening is next Tuesday 17th October (3:50pm – 7:00pm) and Thursday 19th (3:50pm – 5:30pm). If you haven’t signed up, please follow the instruction below. 

Making an appointment

  • Please email Miss Horrocks on parentsevening@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk
  • Please write the name(s) of your child(ren).
  • Please write the class name and / or teachers names.
  • Please write the preferred day – Tuesday 17th October or Thursday 19th October.
  • Please indicate the preferred times. 
  • Miss Horrocks will email you back with your appointment day and time(s). 

OTIS Holiday club

Have a great weekend

Mr Woodward






OTIS October Half Term Holiday Club

Parents evening Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We will be having parents evening in school on Tuesday 17th October (3:50pm – 7pm) and Thursday 19th October (3:50pm – 5:30pm). 

Please note – Miss Graham will contact the parents of pupils in Bluebell and Sunflower classes so it is not necessary to make an appointment by email. 

Making an appointment

  • Please email Miss Horrocks on parentsevening@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk
  • Please write the name(s) of your child(ren).
  • Please write the class name and / or teachers names.
  • Please write the preferred day – Tuesday 17th October or Thursday 19th October.
  • Please indicate the preferred times. 
  • Miss Horrocks will email you back with your appointment day and time(s). 

We look forward to seeing you in school.

Mr Woodward

Updates and events for W/C 9th October

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are well and ready for the weekend. Despite the rain now, the forecast looks good for the weekend. 

Glossop Jog

The Glossop jog is on Sunday at 11am on the redgra. It will be great to see you all there taking part. Please bring in any sponsor money on Monday morning and give it to the office. We will meet at 10:45am and please look for our school sign and either myself or Mr Hannan. It will be a lovely morning and all donation and sponsor money goes to Rotary and local causes. 

Parking near school

I know this is a topic that keeps getting mentioned but the safety and welfare or pupils, parents and staff is really important. 

The disabled bays are for pupils with a blue badge or the driver of the vehicle with a blue badge. We have a lot of children in school with blue badges and complex needs who for mobility and / or health and safety reasons need to park near school. Please don’t drive down Chadwick street if this doesn’t apply to you. 

The owners of the garages had complaints from garage owners about their garages being blocked with cars. They put up the bollards and chain to prevent this. The entrance to the garages must not be blocked. They will change the code regularly. 

I fully understand that parking is really difficult near school. However, some people are ignoring these guidelines and the law and are putting the safety of the children at risk. 

Event for week beginning 9th October

Date Event Information
10/10/23 Reception open event 1pm – 3pm

6pm – 7pm


Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Woodward

Flu Vaccinations on 16th October

The NHS vaccination team will be in school on Monday 16th October to give the annual flu vaccination to the children. 

Please see the link and leaflet link below for more information. If you want your child to have the vaccination, you must fill out the form and give consent. Please also select no on the form if you do not want your child to have the vaccination. 

Please note that your child will not have the vaccination if a parent does not give consent on the form below. 

Consent form

Primary School Flu Leaflet

Mr Woodward

Update and dates for W/C 2nd October

Good evening, 

The girl’s football team played brilliantly in their first football tournament and won every game. Well done everyone. 

Glossop Jog

It is the Glossop jog on Sunday 8th October on the redgra. If you are interested, please pick up sponsorship booklet from the office and more information will follow next week. 

Have a great weekend. 
