50 Reads Information

Please read below for information about our 50 reads initiative. 

Have a great weekend.

Mr Woodward

50 Reads September 2021

Hoodies for PE

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine. 

I have contacted Bulldog fashion, who supply our school jumpers and they are going to produce a navy hoodie for our PE days.  This will be available with the logo, all the classes will be navy and they will be available from early October. 

These are purely optional  but can only be worn on the days that the pupils have PE.

Mr Woodward

Welcome Back – 03/09/2021

Good afternoon Everyone, 

I hope you are all well and have had a great summer break.

All the staff have been working hard to get ready for welcoming everyone back on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school. 

If you have any questions, please use the email address in ‘contact’  on the website. The new class emails will be working from Monday 6th September. 

Government restrictions are lifting but we ask that you continue to wear face coverings when you are dropping off and picking up your child(ren). Please continue to practise social distancing and follow the government guidelines.

Please don’t send your child into to school or come into school yourself if they or you are showing Coronavirus symptoms. Please get a PCR test and if the result is negative and they are well enough for school, they can to come in. 

Reporting absences -You can report absences by;

  • Child absence form on the website. 
  • School text system.
  • Phone school.

NB – Please don’t email the teachers on the day a pupil is absent as their emails are not monitored all day. Please use one of the methods above.  

Please let the office know in advance if you know your child will be off – example – for a medical appointment. 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mr Woodward

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Mrs Fletcher Update

It is a pleasure to announce that Mrs Fletcher was successful yesterday in getting a job in SSSEN for Derbyshire. Mrs Fletcher has always had a special interest in children with SEND and this was one of those opportunities that don’t come along very often. We will be very sorry to lose Mrs Fletcher but I know this is a job she will excel in and many more children will benefit from her expertise. 

This will be upsetting for the children who were looking forward to having Mrs Fletcher next year. We will be interviewing candidates today and tomorrow and we will keep everyone updated. 

Have a lovely first day of the summer holidays. 

Mr Woodward

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Protected: Year 6 leavers assembly

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Year 6 update

Good evening, 

There have been a few enquiries about tomorrow and this is an update.

Leavers Assembly

This will be at 2pm and streamed through zoom and parents can join live. The assembly will also be recorded and put on the website for parents to watch at a later date.

Uniform, Hoodies and T Shirts

Pupils need to come to school in uniform and they can wear their year 6 hoodies. Pupils can also bring a spare white t-shirt for signing for those that want to sign each others t-shirts. 


Pupils need to arrive at 6pm and need to be collected at 8pm. 

We will provide a buffet with the usual party snacks, pizza and chips. 

Thank you very much to those parents who have volunteered. Please come at the same time as the pupils. 

This will be a lovely evening and we are all looking forward to it. 

Have a lovely evening

Mr Woodward

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Uniform Swap Shop