Bring a Stick to school day 07/10/2021

Please see the letter below from Mrs Thornley and Mrs Cox about bring a stick to school day 07/10/2021. 

Bring a stick to school day letter


Clothing giveaway 23/09/2021

Thank you for supporting this event, lots of clothes were donated and many people left with full bags.

A big thank you to Sammy and Jack, who helped set up and gave out bags. 

Thank you to Mrs Parker and Mr and Mrs Townson  for organising the event. 

We will be having another giveaway before Christmas. 

Have a great weekend. 

Mr Woodward

Piano going to a good home

Good afternoon, 

A member of the public has a piano that is free to a good home and will be delivered free in Glossop. We already have a piano in school and it would be shame if nobody can make good use of it. 

If you are interested, please contact our office and we will put you in contact with the person. This will be on a first come, first serve basis. 

Mr Woodward

New Mills Tennis Club Rusty Rackets event Sunday 26/09/2021

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies

I know we have only just started the year and leaving for High School is the last thing on your mind. However, the earlier we can get the orders in, the better deal on price. 

The colour will be the same but different to the PE hoodie with the school logo on the front and all the pupils names on the back. 

The year 6  leavers will be allowed to wear the hoodies in the last half term. 

If you are interested, please fill out the form below. We don’t have a firm price yet as we need numbers first. I expect the price to be between £15 and £25. 

We will get sizes at a later date.

Mr Woodward

Year 6 hoodie survey


Head Boys and Head Girls

Congratulations to our new Head Boys and Head Girls.

I am incredibly proud of all the year 6 pupils who put themselves forward for these roles. It took real courage to stand up in front of the school on Zoom. They all showed the skills and attributes needed to be fantastic ambassadors of our school. The pupils and staff voted and I am really pleased to announce the results below. 

Head Boy – Samuel T

Head Girl – Scarlett C 

Deputy Head Boy – Aiden G

Deputy Head Girl – Anya P

There first official role was to host this mornings good work collective worship and they were fantastic. 

Have a great weekend

Mr Woodward

Guitar lessons with Ed

Please see the video and letter below for more information about guitar lessons in school with Ed. 

Mr Woodward

Guitar letter

Rotary Glossop Jog 2021

The Glossop Jog is back and is at 11am on 10th October at the Redgra at the bottom of Pikes Lane. 

Our school is going to take part and we would like as many families to take part as possible. 

If you are interested, please fill out the online survey below and we will send the sponsorship booklet to you. All money raised will go to the Rotary Club and the donations go towards supporting the local community. 

Sign up form

Please fill out the form by Sunday 19th September so we can send for the runners numbers. 

All children need to accompanied by a responsible adult and need to be at the Redgra by 10:45am. Members of staff will be there to greet you. 

It is great fun and it would be great to see everyone there.

Mr Woodward


Clothing Giveaway Thursday 23rd September

We are going to have a clothing giveaway in the playground starting at 3:10pm on Thursday 23rd September.

We will put out all the clothes we have and please come along with carrier bags and take any clothes you need. It is that simple. 

Donations – If you want to donate any children’s clothes and uniform or adult clothes, please send them in to school on the morning of the 23th September.

Help needed –  If you are available from 1:15pm on Thursday 23rd September and are willing to help, we  would really appreciate it. Please email me on

Have a great afternoon.

Mr Woodward

Class pages and weekly snapshot

Every Monday, each class page will have a new weekly snapshot.  This will include;

  • An overview of what the class did the previous week.
  • The star of the week.
  • Examples of work for Maths, English and Topic.
  • Any important information. 
  • A new award, value of the week. Each half term we focus on a value and the teacher will choose a pupil who has demonstrated one of the values. Example; Resilience – Not giving up and finishing their work. 

Aut 1 – Forgiveness
Aut 2 – Friendship
Spr 1 – Resilience
Spr 2 – Wisdom / Achievement
Sum 1 – Thankfulness
Sum 2 – Hope

Mr Woodward