Reading drop in sessions KS2 and improving reading skills information

Thank you to the parents and carers who supported the KS2 reading workshop today, it was great to see you there.

Below is a parents’ guide to supporting your child with reading, using the Vipers themed questions that we use in school.

Reading Vipers Parents Guide

Miss Warburton

(Head of KS2)

Year 5 and 6 Puberty talks

Please see the letter below for information about the year 5 and 6 puberty talks after half term. 

Miss Warburton

Year 5 and 6 Puberty Letter

Cross Country – Years 3-6 – Wednesday 3:45pm – 4:30pm

Good afternoon. 

It is fantastic that so many pupils are taking part in the cross country event. Glossopdale have needed to change the finish time to 4:30pm and they have advised that it is very slippy. Football boots can be worn if you have them. Please don’t purchase any, just for the event. 

  • Pupils need to be picked up from school and taken to Glossopdale and collected from Glossopdale. 
  • Start time 3:45pm and finish 4:30pm. 
  • Mr Hannan and Mr Woodward will be there. 
  • It is very slippy and pupils can wear football boots. 

Good luck tomorrow. 

Mr Woodward

Miss Warburton’s class orienteering 12/10/2021

Well done to Miss Warburton’s class who took part in the orienteering event at Glossopdale on Tuesday 12/10/2021. 

Well done to the team who came second.

All the pupils were great role models and represented school very well. We are all very proud of them. 

Mr Woodward

Parent Drop in sessions W/C 18/10/2021

Good afternoon, 

We are having parent drop in sessions during the W/C 18/10/2021. In order for teachers to plan how many people will be attending, please fill in the form below if you intend to come. 
We are looking forward to seeing you in school. 

Mr Woodward

Parent drop in sessions sign up form


Parents evening Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th November 2021

Dear Parents / Guardians, 

The staff have decided that it will be more beneficial for the pupils to have parents evening face to face in school, rather than phone calls.  It will be great for you to see the classrooms and learning environments. Please maintain social distance in the classrooms and please don’t attend the meeting if you have any of the Covid 19 symptoms. We will rearrange the meeting for a later date. 

If you would prefer to have  a phone conversation with the teacher, please contact the class teacher by email (see class pages). 

The meetings will be on Tuesday 2nd November and Thursday 4th November 2021. A letter will be sent out by the class teacher this week, you need to fill it out and return it. You will get an appointment before the end of the half term. 

I look forward to seeing you all back in school.

Mr Woodward


We need your help!

Flu Vaccinations for pupils will be on Tuesday 16th November 2021

The Flu vaccinations for pupils will be on Tuesday 16th November 2021 in school. This is optional but if you want your child to have the vaccination, you must use the link and school code below and sign you child up. 

Please see the information below.

Mr Woodward

Dear Parents/Carers

For the school year starting September 2021 we will be continuing with the e-consent for the Flu Programme.  This year we will be offering the Nasal Flu vaccination to children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.  When completing the e-consent please state the year group your child will be in at the beginning of the school year September 2021 NOT their current year group.

Please visit to complete the consent form.  The option to consent or decline the vaccination is at the end of the questionnaire so please complete even if you do not want your child to have the vaccination.

If you wish to decline the Flu spray due to the porcine element we are now able to offer an alternative injectable Flu vaccine that does not contain porcine. Please complete the consent form as a decline due to vaccine ingredients and we will then contact you to arrange vaccination. For more information please contact the team as below.

Your unique school code for Whitfield St James’ CE (Controlled) Primary School is DD112818

For more information about the vaccination please visit our website:

If you experience any problems, please call the School Age Immunisation Team: 

Repton Health Centre: 01283 707178

Clay Cross Hospital: 01246 252953

Or email us

Times Tables Rockstar Day – Friday 15/10/2021

Please find information below for the times tables rockstar day. 

All pupils and staff are welcome to dress as rockstars. The event is to promote times tables and there will class against class challenges throughout the day. 

I apologise for the late notice, I thought I had put the information and letter out a week ago. 

You do not need to spend any money on outfits, jeans, t-shirts and a bandana (t-towel) will be fine. 

Mr Woodward

TTRS launch day

Parent Guide

Rotary Glossop Jog 10/10/2021

Well done to everyone who took part in the Glossop Jog. The weather was great and the atmosphere was really positive. You all ran brilliantly and all money raised will go to a very worthy causes.  

Thank you all the parents and staff who ran with us. 

Thank you to Mr Hannan, Mr Doyle, Mrs Southworth and Mr Ford for organising the event. 

Mr Woodward