Remembrance Day 11/11/2021

I was very proud of all of our children today during our 2 minutes silence at 11am for Remembrance Day. You can see from the pictures that classes have worked really hard in learning about remembrance day. 

Mr Woodward 


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Children in Need day and PTA donation day

We have made a mistake in the diary and we have got the wrong Friday for Children in Need. I am very sorry for this mistake. 

We will still go ahead with our non-uniform day for ‘Children in Need’ tomorrow (Friday 12th November) and you can donate to the official website if you choose to. 

We have organised the non-uniform day for PTA donations on Friday 19th January (see PTA newsletter). This is the reason we can’t move ‘Children in Need’ to the official day on Friday 19th November. 

I am very sorry for the mistake and confusion.

  • Friday 12th November – ‘Children in Need’ non-uniform day and optional donation to the official website. 
  • Friday 19th November  – Non-uniform day – PTA donation day.

Nursery, Reception, & KS1 (Yr1 & Y2) – Christmas items. This can be anything
associated with Christmas including: Christmas cards, baubles, wrapping paper,
Christmas napkins, crackers, Christmas treats, including chocolates, biscuits,
selection boxes, advent calendars etc.

KS2 (Yr3, 4, 5 & 6) – Items that could be given as small gifts including, gift sets,
a diary, ladies/gents gloves, ladies/gents socks, candles, cosmetic bags, notebook
and pen, hand cream, perfume/aftershave etc.

School staff will also be donating items to produce a large food hamper too!

Mr Woodward

Individual and sibling photographs on Monday 15th November

On Monday 15th November, we will be have have individual and sibling photographs.

  • All pupils are to wear full school uniform. 
  • Mrs Collins, Mr Hannan and Miss Kuczaj’s classes have PE on Monday and need to come in full school uniform. PE will still happen and will be adapted as the children will be in normal uniform. 
  • If there are any siblings not in school, these photographs will take place from 8:30am. Please go straight to the school hall. For example; if you have a baby and would like a picture with your Y1 child, please come in at 8:30am. 

Mr Woodward


Children in Need Friday 12th November

Friday 12th November is Children in Need and we will be having a non-uniform day. There will be no donation but if you would like to donate, please follow the link below to the official website. 

Children in Need website

Mr Woodward

Parent Questionnaire November 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Please take the time to fill out the questionnaire below, your views are really important and have brought about positive change for our school.

Parent Questionnaire November 2021

Thank you 

Mr Woodward

PTA Newsletter – 03/11/2021

PTA Newsletter Nov 2021

Parents evening cancelled

Good afternoon,

Due to rising case numbers in school and rate of spreading, parents evening will be cancelled to prevent disruption to learning and to keep people safe.  I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

More information will go out this week.

  • Parents will liaise with teachers via email to arrange a 10 minute phone call before Christmas.
  • A parent questionnaire will be put on the website for all parents to complete. 
  • Pictures of the classrooms and corridors will be put on the website.
  • Arrangements will be made to see the children’s work.  

Take care of yourselves and have a great evening. 

Mr Woodward

Pupil Covid 19 Isolation form

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils, 

I hope you have all had a great half term break. 

There have been a number of pupils and staff who have tested positive over the half term break and I hope everyone is feeling better. 

We need to know when pupils become symptomatic or tested positive and when they will be back in school if they are well enough. 

Please email the NHS test and trace notification to

Please fill out the form below and take care of yourselves. 

Please follow government guidance and don’t send your child into school if they have the following symptoms.
 a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
– a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
– a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Please get a PCR test and they can only come back into school if the result is negative. 

Mr Woodward

Pupil Covid 19 Isolation form

Year 6 Cake sale for the Bantama Project

Thank you all for supporting the Year 6 cake sale today. It was fantastic to see so much support for raising money for school equipment for a school in Bantama. 

You all raised a fantastic £109.75. This will pay for 4 desks with money left over for other equipment. 

I need to express just how proud I am of the year 6 pupils who organised the event. They came to me, pitched their project and it was clear that they are incredibly passionate about helping others. They had thought of everything; from marketing to gluten free cakes. I questioned them like they were on ‘Dragon’s Den’ and I have to say, I was very impressed. The event went really smoothly and all children got cake. 

Well done and thank you. 

Mr Woodward

Cross Country Race 20/10/2021

Well done to everyone who competed in the cross country race yesterday at Glossopdale. It was wet, muddy, cold and everyone had a great time. You all ran brilliantly and we are very proud of all of you. 

We are waiting on the results but I think you all did very well. 

Thank you to Mr Hannan, Mrs Southworth, Miss Kuczaj and Miss Horrocks who organised and cheered the pupils on.

Mr Woodward