Welcome back

Dear parents, carers and pupils, 

I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and we are all looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday. 

We are all looking forward to the new school year, there are a number of changes and there will be more details in the coming days and weeks.

These are the  main updates:

  • Roald Dahl day will be on Tuesday 13th September. All pupils are invited to dress as a Roald Dahl character. This will be a day of celebrating Roald Dahl and his books and there will be various activities throughout  the day. 
  • We will be using class dojo in conjunction with the gold system and for class teachers to share what is happening in class. This will replace the weekly snapshots.
  • At lunchtime, all the children will be eating in the hall and there have been changes to how the playground will be used. Children will have the opportunity to mix with other classes and the activities will be play initiated activities and facilitated by staff and buddies. 
  • The gate will be open at 8:45am and the register closes at 9am and pupils will need to be taken to the office after this time. 

There is lots more to share and more information will be sent out next week. 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mr Woodward

30 hours free childcare

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End year update

It is hard to believe that the year has passed so quickly. It has been a truly wonderful year in school, with a return to whole school collaboration and the children have all flourished. I am incredibly proud of our whole school community with how hard everyone has worked and putting the children’s needs at the heart of everything we have done. 

It is been an absolute pleasure working with all our pupils and our families this year. We are very grateful for your support and I am personally very proud of our school community. 

Term dates

Term dates are on the term dates tab but an outline is below. I will put half termly dates in the same tab but please checks texts for any changes as we go through the year. 

Term Dates 2022-2023

Please note we have not put in our 5 INSET days yet

  • 1 September 2022 to 21 October 2022 (37 days)
  • 31 October 2022 to 22 December 2022 ( 39 days)
  • 9 January 2023 to 17 February 2023 (30 days)
  • 27 February 2023 to 31 March 2023 (25 days)
  • 17 April 2023 to 26 May 2023 (1 May 2023 is a bank holiday) (29 days)
  • 5 June 2023 to 21 July 2023 (35 days)


  • Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September 2022
  • Friday 21st October 2022
  • Thursday 22nd December 2022
  • Friday 17th February 2023

Plans for next year will be shared in more detail in September but below is a summary.

  • At lunchtime and breaktimes, the playground will return to how it was before lockdowns with activities being led by staff. Miss Taylor will continue training and working with the buddies and Miss Weir will support midday supervisors.
    • Reception, Y1, Y2, KS1 and the Y2/3 class will have a protected area in the garden playground but they will be able to mix with the older pupils if they want to. 
    • Outdoor areas will be set up with activities and football area will be age appropriate on a timetable and  will be refereed by staff or buddies. 
    • At lunchtime, the garden building will be be staffed to allow pupils to read or take part in planned activities. 
  • Themed weeks – The last week of every half term will be a themed week and groups of classes will feedback to each other and / or work collaboratively. Parents may be invited in depending on the activities.
    • Autumn 1 – Science and Investigation week
    • Autumn  2 – Christmas in other cultures
    • Spring 1 – Artists
    • Spring 2 – Countries and cultures
    • Summer 1 – Sport and outdoor learning
    • Summer 2 – Inspirational people
  • Gold system – This system will be reviewed and we are looking at how we can use class dojo to support the systems.


Please find the assessment results for the key areas in school but please be aware that it still needs to be validated by the DFE. The data is looking very positive and more importantly, it is supported by what we are seeing in school. This is a result of the changes made, hard work of the staff, your support as families and your children working hard. There will continue to be changes and we will continue to make sure all pupils get the very best school experience.


EXS is working at age related expectation.

GDS is working at greater depth / above age related expectation.


GLD means good level of development and children must meet the standards in all seven areas of learning.

2022   2019
School National Difference
67% 65% +2% 70%

Phonics – Year 1

2022   2019
Year 1 Year 1
School National Difference School National Difference
76.7% 75.5 +1.2 85.7% 81.9% +3.8%

 Phonics – KS1

2022   2019
Year 1 Year 1
School National Difference School National Difference
96.7% 86.8 +9.9 93.9% 91.4% +2.5%

 KS1 SATs Results Working at age related

  2022 2019
  School National Difference School National Difference
Reading 76.7% 66.9% +9.8% 79.6% 74.9% +4.7
Writing 70% 57.7% +12.3% 75.5% 69.2% 6.3%
Maths 73.3% 67.7% +5.6% 75.5% 75.6 -0.01

KS1 SATs Results Working at greater depth

  2022 2019
  School National Difference School National Difference
Reading 20% 18% +2% 22.4% 25% -2.6
Writing 0% 8% -8% 18.4% 14.8% +3.6
Maths 26.7% 15.1% +11.6 16.3% 21.7% -5.4

 KS2 SATs Results Working at age related

  2022 2019
  School National Difference School National Difference
Reading 77.8% 74.5% +3.3 60.9% 73.2% -12.3%
Writing 68.9% 69.5% -0.6 65.2% 78.4% -13.2%
Maths 66.7% 71.4% -4.7 50% 78.7% -28.7%
Combined 53.3% 58.7% -5.4 37% 64.9% -27.9

 KS2 SATs Results Working at greater depth

  2022 2019
  School National Difference School National Difference
Reading 26.7% 27.8% -1.1% 17.4% 27% -9.6
Writing 4.4% 12.8% -8.4% 6.5% 20.1% -13.6%
Maths 28.9% 22.4% +6.5 10.9% 26.6% -15.9%

Have an amazing summer break and I am looking forward to seeing all of you in September. 

Mr Woodward

Summer reading challenge

Wednesday 20th July 2022

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to inform you of a Summer Reading Bingo challenge which your child/children can complete over the summer holidays, if they wish to. The challenge is from the Books for Topics website, which we use in school to supplement our curriculum with recommended reading books, including our ‘50 Reads’ books in the treasure chests in our classrooms.

The focus of the challenge is on reading for pleasure experiences rather than specific texts, with activities like make a den and read inside, read in the dark using a torch and read to a pet or a soft toy. Children can choose what they read for the challenges, although please see the ‘recommended reads’ document for  some Summer 2022 recommended reads for those looking for new ideas.

Your child should have brought home a bingo card to use over the summer holidays. The bingo card has two sides – one with 9 challenges, one with 25 – and they can choose which one they do. When pupils return to school after the holidays, they can hand in their completed bingo card to their class teacher, and a certificate for a completed line or for a full house will be awarded. (Although year 6 pupils won’t be here to get the certificate, they may wish to complete the challenge anyway!)

Thank you for your support in keeping the children reading over the summer holidays!

Best wishes,

Miss Warburton and Mrs Cox (English subject leaders)


Summer Reads 2022 recommended reads


Co-opted governor positions

The governing body are looking to co-opt governors to join our governing body. 

Being a governor in a school is unpaid and very rewarding, as an enthusiastic and committed governing body is at the heart of every school. 

If you are interested in finding out more about what it means to be a governor, please email me on cwoodward@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk and we will arrange to meet and have a tour of the school. 

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please write a short statement outlining the skills and experience you could bring to the role and why you would like to be a governor. Please email it to cwoodward@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk and Emma.Kershaw@j-a-s.co.uk

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mr Woodward

Weather forecast for Monday and Tuesday

The weather forecasts for Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July are unusually consistent and it is likely to be very hot. 

Please send your child into school with suncream already applied and with a hat. 

Children can wear non-uniform on Monday and Tuesday and lighter colours are advised. 

Measures taken in school.

  • The blinds will be pulled down in the classrooms over the weekend and left closed if needed.
  • No PE or minute mile.  
  • We will have breaks and lunch indoors if it is deemed too hot outside. 
  • Water will be available as normal and pupils will be encouraged to drink regularly. 

Have a great weekend 


Year 6 Leaver’s Service Thursday 21st July.

Due to a number of logistical issues, the Year 6 leaver’s service will now be at school and not the church. It will be at the same time; 9:30am on Thursday  in the school hall. 

Unfortunately, there will only be room for the year 6 parents and year 6 pupils. I am sorry for any inconvenience. 

Mr Woodward

Summer music concert 13/07/2022

Thank you all for attending and supporting tonight’s summer music concert, it was a lovely evening and everyone played and sung brilliantly. I am very proud of them all and a big thank you to Mrs Collins, Mrs Southworth, Emma, India, Maria, Simon, Ed, Jeff, Ben and Mr Ford for working with the musicians and choir, organising and supporting the event. 

Mr Woodward




Summer festival on Friday 8th July

I am sure you will agree that this was an amazing evening and everyone had a great time. Thank you all for supporting the event and a big thank you to the PTA and staff who made the evening successful. 

A massive thank you to the following people who supported the event.

  • Mr Kenny for the fantastic live music.
  • Shepley’s butchers of New Mills for proving the meat and donating 50 burgers and 50 sausages. Facebook Page
  •  Tesco Glossop, who donated all the bread.
  • Bywater Gas from Chapel-en-le-Frith – bbq hire. 

You all raised a truly amazing £1033.75. Thank you. 

It was lovely to see so many people having a good time. We will confirm how much money was raised but the PTA will put all funds towards developing our KS2 playground. 

Thank you all again for making it a special evening. 

Mr Woodward and the PTA 

Arrangements for class swap day tomorrow

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils, 

Tomorrow (Friday 8th July) is class swap day and the pupils will meet their new teacher and classes. 

  • The pupils will come into their current classes as normal and go into the hall for our weekly awards assembly.
  • They will then be told their new teacher and spend the rest of the day in their new classes. 
  • Parents will receive a text message at 2:30pm with the name of their new teacher.
  • At the end of the day, they will line up on the playground with their new teacher and will be collected or walk home from there. 

Mr Woodward