Harvest donations 19/10/2022

Thank you all for your donations and generosity. All the donations have been taken to the ‘Grace Kitchen’ and will support our community. 

Mr Woodward

PTA Newsletter

PTA Newsletter Sept 2022

Parents evening Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th October

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We will be having parents evening in school on Tuesday 11th October (3:50pm – 7pm) and Thursday 13th October (3:50pm – 5:30pm). If you would prefer to arrange a phone call instead, please email the class teacher on the class email or using class dojo.

Please note – 

  • Nursery and Mrs Allan’s parents evening will be on Tuesday 11th October (3:50pm – 7pm) and Wednesday 13th October (3:50pm – 5:30pm).

Making an appointment

  • Please email Miss Horrocks on parentsevening@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk
  • Please write the name(s) of your child(ren).
  • Please write the class name and / or teachers names.
  • Please write the preferred day – Tuesday  11th October or Thursday 13th October (Wednesday 12th  October instead the Thursday for Nursery and Mrs Allan’s class).
  • Please indicate the preferred times. 
  • Miss Horrocks will email you back with your appointment day and time(s). 

If you have Covid symptoms or have tested positive 5 days prior to the appointment, please email the class teacher and parentsevening@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk and we will rearrange the appointment. 

We look forward to seeing you in school.

Mr Woodward

TTRockstars day Friday 7th October!

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PTA AGM Invitation Tuesday 23rd September at 3:45pm

PTA AGM invitation September 2022

Glossop Jog 2022 – Sunday 9th October at 11am on the Redgra near Pikes Lane

The Rotary Glossop Jog is back for another year. 
It is a great community event that is well supported and raises money for local causes. 

If you would like to join us, please fill out the form below and a sponsor form can be collected from the office. 

Please arrive by 10:45am and find members of staff from our school.

Children under 10 need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.

It will be a lovely event and we look forward to seeing you there. 

Mr Woodward and Mr Hannan


School update meeting – Monday 26/09/2022 at 7pm

This meeting is an opportunity for myself and the senior leadership team to talk about the changes since the Ofsted inspection in 2019, school ethos and plans for the future.
We anticipate the meeting will be about 60 – 90 minutes and there will be a DVD in a classroom if you need to bring your children. However, please be aware that this will be unsupervised. 

Please could you fill in the survey below if you are coming as this will give an idea of numbers. 

– Welcome from the chair of governors 
– Ethos and values – Mr Woodward
– Priorities and changes since the last inspection – Mr Woodward
– Maths and subject leadership – Mr Ford
– Dojo and rewards – rationale – Mr Woodward
– SEND and pupil premium – Mr Ford
– EYFS and phonics – Mrs Cox
– KS2, reading and writing – Miss Warburton
– Monitoring and data – Mr Woodward

Mr Woodward

Class Dojo Subscription

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Autumn 2022 school lunch menu

Autumn school lunch menu

Class Dojo – September update

From Y1 , we have started to use Class Dojo to support our communication systems and behaviour management systems in school.

Class Dojo is a school communication platform that teachers, pupils and families can use to share what’s being taught in the classroom, how your child has behaved in school, as well as providing you with any updates, events, photos, videos or messages. This information can be shared on the school’s story or on each individual classes’ stories. It’s simple, secure, and gives you a window into your child’s school day!

Your child should have brought home a letter today that will be an invitation to your child’s own individual class dojo page, please follow the instructions on this letter. This page will give you the opportunity to see any positive or negative dojos they have gained throughout the day and if your child has achieved GOLD (only you will see this information). There is also a function to directly message your child’s class teacher (although school email is still preferred).

Throughout the week, teachers will post about the learning that has taken place in the classroom and this will replace the weekly snapshot.

If you need any more information or you child hasn’t brought home a letter with their unique pin, please contact Mr Ford on lford@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk

More information will follow.