Midday Play Leader positions in school

Good afternoon, 

We are looking for look for midday play leaders to join our team at lunchtimes. Please see the information below and share widely. 

Please contact Mr Woodward at cwoodward@st-james.derbyshire.sch.uk to find out more. 

Mr Woodward

Midday Supervisor advert

Midday Play Leader Person Specification

Midday Play Leader Job Description

Opal playground update

Many staff volunteers came in over the half term and worked really on the start of our playground transformation. The pupils have had assemblies on our new arrangements and the whole purpose is to develop independent and collaborative play  and learn to assess risk in a  controlled way.  

We will be continuing to develop this over the coming year and we will be fundraising and asking for donations as we go. 

As you can see from the pictures below, this is hugely beneficial for all children and they all have a sense of ownership. 

OPAL pictures

Mr Woodward

Update 15/02/2024 – Have a great half term

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are all well and ready for the half term break. 

This half term has gone by very quickly and everyone has worked really hard. We are half way through the academic year and it is always really nice at this time of year to see the children develop and make progress. 

We sent a survey out regarding the possibility of providing 2 year old provision in school. Thank you all for your views and we are going to continue to complete a feasibility study with a view to starting the provision from September 2024. No decision has been made at this point and we will keep you all informed. 

The headteacher at Padfield Primary School is not in school at the moment and I will supporting them as executive headteacher of both this school and Padfield until the headteacher comes back. When I am not here, Mr Ford will be acting headteacher. Please be assured that nothing will change at our school, we have a great team I will be working at both schools throughout the week. 

Have a great half term break.

Mr Woodward

Dates for next half term

Date Event Information
Wednesday 28th February Multiplication workshop for Y4 parents 3:45pm and Miss Warburton will give all the details and talk about how you can support you child.
Friday 8th March World Book day Pupils can dress as their favourite book character. More information to follow.


Tuesday 12th March SAT’s parent information evening for Y6 parents 3:45pm in Miss Warburton’s class. The Y6 team will talk about SATs, explain our supportive approach to them and how best you can support you child.
Monday 25th March Parents evening More information to follow.
Wednesday 27th March Easter service at St James’ Church. 2pm and all the parents and friends of our school are welcome.
Wednesday 27th March Parents evening More information to follow.

Possible 2 year old nursery provision

As you may be aware, the government introduced funding for 2 year olds from April 2024. We currently offer 3 – 5 year old provision and we would like to see if there is a need to increase our provision to support 2 year olds.

– From April 2024 15 hours funding will be available for eligible working parents of 2 year olds.

Please be aware that this is simply a study to see there is need in this area and it doesn’t mean that we will definitely offer this provision. In the same way, you are not making a commitment and we would only like to know if you would consider using our school for 2 year old provision. If you think there is a high chance that you would like to use 2 year old provision, please fill out the form below.

Once we have an idea if the provision is feasible and the type of provision needed, we will make a decision and make the community aware. We would like to get the views of as many people as possible and please share this link in the community.

Please complete the form below.

Mr Woodward


Weather update 16/01/2024

Good afternoon,

I hope you are all well and the weather hasn’t been too disruptive.

More snow is forecast over night and the temperature is due to drop to below 0 and to -4. Therefore, take extra care on the roads and pavements.

We are planning on opening all aspects of school and we will only message on text and Dojo if there are any changes.

Please make sure your child(ren) has sensible footwear, a coat, hat, gloves and ideally spare socks.

Enjoy the snow and stay safe.

Mr Woodward

After school martial arts club

Protected: ‘Hey Ewe’ nativity 14/12/2023

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Choir singing at Tesco 18/12/2023

A big thank you to Tesco for inviting our choir to perform,  a big thank you to Mrs Collins for organising everything and an equally big thank to everyone who came and donated generously. All the donations will go to support music in our school. 

Merry Christmas 

Mr Woodward

Merry Christmas

Good afternoon, 

We all wish you a merry Christmas and we hope you all have a great Christmas break. 

The pupils have worked really hard this term and we are really proud of them all. We had a fantastic celebration collective worship this morning and all the pupils and staff sang and signed ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’. 

Gold System

In September, we shared the changes to our gold system and today, some pupils received their bronze badges today for achieving 25 gold awards. They can wear their badges everyday on their uniform. 


We have given 100% attendance stickers at the end of each half term for a number of years. Today, we introduced the enamel badges, which will be given termly. The pupils can wear the badges on their uniform every day. 

We recognise that pupils can’t always be in school everyday due to illness. After Christmas, we will have stickers to celebrate excellent attendance, which will be above 98%. 

1 term Bronze
2 terms Silver
3 terms Gold

Merry Christmas

Mr Woodward

Merry Christmas from Whitfield St James’ Primary School