Return to Week beginning 29.06.2020


English and Topic

Friday 3rd July



We would like your child to play on TTRockstars today. The need to play on ‘Garage’ a couple of times but then we would like them to play on ‘Studio’. Studio is where they get their ‘Rock Speed’ and it tells us what times tables they need to focus on. The more they practise the better and quicker they will get. 

If they want to challenge Mr Ford they have to go to Rockslam, find either his name or his Rockstar name (Ronald Starfoot). 

It has been great to see how quick some of you have got! Keep it up.

Good Luck!


This week we would love for you to look at our local churches. We have so many in Glossop. The one we visit most is St James’ Church. Think about the inside, can you remember what is inside? Can you remember any of the special things that are found only in a church?