Religious Education

Lessons and resources for KS1 and KS2

Seeds of growing

A prayer from Alison Brown – Deputy Director – Derbyshire Diocese Board of Education

Gracious Lord,
We find ourselves in a time of immense confusion, difficulty and fear;
We need to receive your peace.
We are having to make decisions which we hope are right for our schools;
We need to discern your wisdom.
We hold the worries of our school communities within our hands;
We need to feel your comfort.
We have had to work at an extraordinary and unprecedented pace;
We need to experience your rest.
We may have made mistakes while acting with the required urgency;
We need to know your grace.
We have done our best even if it wasn’t always perfect;
We need to hear your encouragement.
We are tired, afraid and sad;
We need to be enveloped in your love.

Guide us in all we do.
Watch over us as we seek to lead our schools as best we can.
Protect our communities and guard us from harm.
Give us your strength for today and your hope for tomorrow.
For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,