
English and Topic

 Tuesday 18th May

Tuesday 19th May differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity


White Rose Hub are now working with BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons and they have extra resources and videos on the BBC Bitesize website. White Rose Hub and BBC Daily activities are recapping and consolidating learning that has already happened in school. You can access both webpages if you want to! We have linked the White Rose website as this links nicely to learning in school and children are used to the layout and expectations.

To get the worksheet please click on ‘Lesson 2/Lesson 2’

Year 2 children go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/

Lesson 2 – Use arrays 2019

Year 3 children go to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ 

Lesson 2 – Making the whole 2019

You are also able to access the National Oak Academy website if you want to do even more learning!