Update 10/07/2020

Hello, I hope you are all well and have had a great week. It is hard to believe next week is our last week and time has flown by. 

This is a short update and more information about September opening will follow next week and during the summer break as things change. 

Starting in September

These are very different times and it is really unfortunate that we have not been able to do a proper transition for next year and have the opportunity to say goodbye to the class teacher and friends and meet the new teachers. We know pupils and families will be starting September with different starting points in terms of emotional and social experience and learning. Every single member of staff is committed to ensuring pupils mental being and academic potential is the highest priority. It will be a different year but a fantastic one. 

Important points 

  • We will break up for the summer on Friday 17th July 2020 and pupils will return on Friday 4th September 2020. 
  • School reports, letters from the new teacher and any other information will be sent by post next week. 
  • Uniform – the DFE guidance states pupils will wear full uniform and we suggest it is either washed daily or hung up for 72 hours before being worn again. 
  • Children in the Reception / Year 1 class can wear either the green or blue jumpers. 
  • All pupils will have a full induction and once they are back in they will be fine. The thought of something is always worse than the reality. 
  • Before and after school club will start again in September and more information will follow. Provision will start on Monday 7th September, rather than the Friday to allow for staff training. 

Raising concerns with school

We strive to ensure we cater for all children and families and do everything we can to meet whole school and individual’s needs. If a parent or guardian ever has any concerns, it is important that school is contacted directly as soon as you have a concern. We will always fully investigate and do everything we can to find a mutual resolution to any problem. If your concern has not been dealt with to your satisfaction, please follow the complaints procedure on the website. Any issues regarding school related matters should be discussed with us and not on social media as we are the only people who can resolve any issues.

There have been a lot of changes and there are likely to be many more. I am really proud of how our school community has shown strength and unity throughout this pandemic and we are stronger and closer for it. I am sure we are all looking forward to September  and apprehensive about it, in equal measure but we will face and overcome all challenges together.

Have a great weekend and take care of yourselves

Mr Woodward