
Dear Parent, Guardians and Pupils,

I hope this letter finds you all well and I know these are difficult times for everyone. I also recognise the uncertainty about the possibility of schools opening on 01/06/2020 is an additional worry. Thank you all for responding to the poll and I really appreciate the conversations I have had with parents.

Although, this letter won’t answer every question or cover all details, I aim to highlight a plan supported by the Local Authority and DFE that will set out how we are going to safely reintroduce pupils back into our school and hopefully give you a clearer picture of how we plan to do this. However, please be aware that details may change. We want all of our children back at school as soon as possible but the overriding priority is and will always be the welfare of the pupils and staff.

Government guidelines issued by the DFE state, ‘1st June 2020 is the date from when schools may be able to extend their opening’ arrangements. Advice is changing daily and this term ends today. The government are reviewing the last three weeks and using the scientific evidence to see if the five tests have been met on Thursday 28/05/2020. We have made the decision that school will not open for reception, year 1 and year 6 pupils on the 01/06/2020. We aim to follow this plan, and ensure all transition is rigorously planned and as safe possible but as previously advised, it may change.

  • 01/06/2020 – The key worker children will come to our school. Initially, they will be based out of the before and after school room and KS2 classrooms. This will be in groups of up to 10.
  • 08/06/2020 – Plan to open for year 6 children.
  • 15/06/2020 – Plan to open for reception and year 1 pupils – this may be split further and carried into W/C 22/06/2020 as we monitor what happens in the previous weeks.

More detailed guidelines will follow and I will keep you all informed.

Below is a brief overview of some of the details.


  • Up to 10 children and ideally two members of staff will form bubbles and isolate from all other bubbles.
  • Bubbles will have designated outdoor areas or be on a timetable.
  • Bubbles will have a timetable for lunch in the hall with a maximum of two bubbles at a time.
  • The staff in the bubbles will cover each other’s break and lunches to avoid a third person going into the bubble.
  • Staff will create a culture of handwashing and distancing.
  • Doors will be wedged open where it is safe to do so.
  • Cleaning will happen during the day within bubbles to avoid a third person going into the bubble and rigorous cleaning by the cleaning team after the children have left.
  • School will close at lunchtime on a Friday for all but key worker children.
  • New bins with lids have been ordered, tape to aid social distancing as needed, suitable PPE for first aid and as required and door stops.
  • Each bubble will have a walkie talkie to allow bubbles to remain separate.
  • Myself or Mr Ford will be on site but will also create a bubble and all bubbles will avoid contact with each other.
  • Children of teachers who do not attend our school, will be offered a place in our key worker group or where possible become part of their parent’s bubble to further reduce the chance of spreading the virus.
  • All staff and pupils will be requested to change and wash their clothes daily, as such, formal wear will not be practical.
  • Mr Ford and I will have meetings with all the individual bubbles staff to discuss details for each specific bubble before the children come in.
  • Fire alarm procedures will be adapted.
  • Weekly letters and activities will be planned and put on the website as has become normal.

These points don’t cover all details but hopefully will answer some of your questions.

It is important that we get these decisions right and not rush them. We cannot completely eliminate risk but we can put everything into place to reduce risk, assure staff and parents and make sure our pupils have a safe and educationally productive environment.

I hope this letter answers some of your questions but if you have any questions or queries at all, please email me.

Look after yourselves and stay safe.

Have a great weekend and half term.


Kindest regards


Craig Woodward