
Dear pupil, parents and guardians, 

I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend.

I know many of you will have watched or have heard about the announcement tonight from Boris Johnson. He is proposing that Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils could return to school from 1st June 2020.

I am sure that there are lots of questions and details that everyone would like to know. Like you, I have only just seen the announcement and that at this stage, I don’t have all the details. Our priority as a school over the next week will be to work closely with the governors, other COGs schools, the local authority and central government to find out all the details and what these plans look like for our school.

In the short-term, nothing has changed and teachers will prepare a letter and activities each week. Please keep emailing teachers and accessing all of the resources on the website. I will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once I am able to do so.

Our priority is and must be the safety and welfare of our pupils and staff. I will keep in regular contact and make you all aware of what is happening. Please continue to read my messages and use the daily briefings for information rather than the press. The plans set out tonight are subject to change depending on the five tests and scientific advice.

We will plan and prepare to reopen our school but remain flexible to government guidelines. If our school does reopen, the hub for key workers will move from Simmondley back to our school. I will continue to keep to all informed.

Please look after yourselves and stay safe.

Best wishes

Mr Woodward